Thursday, September 28, 2023

Two Prophetic Houses The Prophet and Deliverer


Label-Blood Covenant and the Life of Moses 

After 40 days and 40 nights, Moses received great revelation from God. As he began his return to descend down the mountain Joshua went to meet him, going up the mountain.  As each approached one another and they became closer Joshua told Moses that there was a strange sound in the camp Moses saw what Joshua said and threw the 10 commandments to shatter into the ground.

Here, we have two prophetic companies: Moses representing the old, and Josuha the new. Here, Joshua interpreted the prophetic according to events: what he saw the people doing externally, how he saw the people worshipping, and more. Moses interpreted the prophetic externally as well, in response to what he saw in agreement with Joshua.

Take note, just because both parties were in agreement does not interpret the mind and heart of God because both were wrong in their interpretations. Even the children of Isreal heard and watched the prophetic summit on the mountainside of Moses, their Prophet and Deliverer.

So, we must ask ourselves how does this compare to our present world? What can we learn? Many are speaking about great visitations of heaven and ascending, and others are speaking about what they see and hear from events of the world, "What was the lesson Moses had to learn" after learning that he and Joshua were missing in their interpretations?

You see, Moses had to build after the same pattern that he was shown of the two stones that were hewn put them in a box, and learn to carry the box wherever he went. 

You have to carry the Covenant Mind of God-the Trinity, before you speak because Covenant is the pure foundation of God's fullness.

Covenant is the joining together in Divine Harmony through the Blood sprinkled on the tablets. Covenant was revealed by the revelation of the Father's hand and finger that wrote into the stone  [the Covenant Body of Jesus] giving the appearance of fire and animated Life-Giving [the Light of the Father's righteousness shining] illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. In short, Moses had to learn to carry the fullness of God in Him, in his mind by carrying the arc of God's word and presence in the revelation of Covenant.

I look around today and see great revelation: people who have seen heaven, and more. At the same time, like Joshua people speaking about current world events-which was a revelation to him. Yet, both were wrong in the interpretations of the heart and mind of God.

I believe there are people whose voices have yet been heard from the top of the mountain who are seated in fullness already, and practice more than speaking of angels and places of heaven [whom I have personally seen and testified myself] who carry a greater message. The message that Jesus came into the earth born of, [ 1 John 5]. It's more than an open Door, it's more than Justice is Coming, it's more than the number 45 or even the number 5784 [ which doesn't mean Door, even though the Door was opened before the foundations of the world]. It's more than who is exposing who...this flood or that flood, or...

It is the Habitation of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit in fullness of Covenant in Rest and Righteousness.

So, I press on in God and with God for another year, as the Voice of Covenant. You will find me in my own lane knowing many have gone before me and many yet to come, in Covenant with God.

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly share this time together with a friend.  Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

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Righteousness Studio Purpose of Scripture Part 1

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness | About Sister Lara | 

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