Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Hew the Two Tables of Stones Deuteronomy 10 Verse 1 School of the Prophetic Part 1

School of the Prophet Moses | Online School of Prayer 

Hew the Two Tables of Stones 
Deuteronomy 10 Verse 1 School of the Prophetic Part 1

Today's Scripture: 

Deuteronomy 10:1

10 At that time the Lord said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood.

An angel took me to the side of a mountain and it was there the angel told me to put my hand into the side of the mountain.  As I put my hand into the side of the mountain there was an ancient chest full of living scrolls.  There, as I reached for the ancient chest to put my hand into it these living scrolls began to go inside of me from my head to my feet.  The angel said, "Behold Lara.  The Father sent me to bring you to this place to write what He tells you to write."

I am not a writer but the angel assured me the Father would give me grace to write.  There, I walked down the mountain with the scolls coming out of me as the scrolls continued to fill me.  There as I walked down the mountain my shoes were changed to fullers soap. 

The Life of Moses is an interesting life to me.  Moses had just received the first commandments from the Lord and was coming down the mountainside when Joshua was going up to meet Moses after 40 days of seeking the Lord.  When Joshua saw Moses coming down the mountain Joshua told Moses, "There is the sound of war in the camp" because the people were making golden calves and worshipping in drunkeness.  Yet, when Moses saw this and heard Joshua tell him what was going on after a long visitation of the Lord Moses threw the tablets of stone into the ground.  

There are two types of prophetic companines that have collided on this mountain: the Old Prophetic Order and the New Prophetic Order.  Here, Joshua was put in charge to over see the people and interpreted what the people were doing according to the course of the world.  Joshua perceived by his senses what the people were doing and interpreted through his senses what the people were doing to tell the Major Prophet.  At the same time Moses did not know how to convey His encounter to Joshua or the people and ended up getting angry and threw the tablet writings into the mountainside in judgement.  Here, both the Old and New Prophets could not interpret the heart of God which is, "The ablility to engage in the kingdom." 

How true it is in today's Modern world, "Young Joshua's interpret what is happening in the world as the prophetic."  It is also interesting to me that some of the goverment of Egypt came with the children of Israel who served under Pharaoh. At one time this same government made the children of Israel make brick from only mud with no straw and beat their backs as task masters in the pits of slavery.  Yet, these same influencers of Pharoah's government were with the children of Israel worshipping false gods and engaging in drunkeness.  I can only imagine how Moses felt after such hard work and training from the LORD to bring these people to a place of freedom to worship the way they were.  To be honest, God wasn't in either response of Moses, Joshua, the Government of Pharaoh that came with the children of Israel and more.  Not to mention Aaron the Priest and other Priests that came with the children of Israel from Egypt were involved in the making of the golden calf, too. 

I said all that to say this, "Today's Scripture comforts me deeply."  Here, Moses went back up to the mountain top and seek the LORD after he threw down the tablets into the earth.  I like how God didn't say, "Hey? Why did you throw those tablets down?"  Here, Moses got to work to go up and God was already there to meet him.  Moses had to "Hew out the stones like the first pattern: cut the stones, shape the stones."

Perhaps we can all learn this simple lesson from the Life of Moses.  Perhaps the reason the prophetic was not interpreted the way it should have been to the people is two fold.  First, we read that the Lord said to Moses.  Here, the word said represents the idea of hearing from the heart and to think.  Moses had the ability to see the supernatural vision of the finger of God write the tablets and hear the Voice of the Lord in his heart.  Secondly, what Moses lacked was the ability to shape the vision in his heart and visualize what was written in his heart. 

A Prophet can speak and see the supernatural in the engaging in visions and more.  At the same time  it is only when the Prophet "Shapes and cuts the vision as One in the heart and mind to be a carrier of the words and vision of God to the Nations" can they stay in undivided union with God and the individual assignment. 

 Maybe that is why the children of Israel responded the way they did, even though God split the Red Sea and sent them Manna from heaven daily and many other miracles, "The children of Israel could not carry the visions and supernatural in their hearts and minds as One" because they did not have anyone to teach them to "Hew the pattern out in the mind and hearts to be a carry of what they saw and heard" rather than walking on the outside of God's Rest and Covenant.

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Prayer | Online School of Prayer | School of Moses 

Thank you for being with us today in this post, 

Sister Lara 

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