Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Is That Thunder I Hear Psalm 34 Verse 17


Several days went by and I stopped by today to see the man's wife and knocked on their door and rang their doorbell.  The daughter met me a the door and I said, "Hello is Mrs Nancy here?"  The daughter said, "Oh you are Sister Lara, come on in."  Mrs Nancy heard my voice and walked over to greet me and I said, "Hello Mrs Nancy.  How are you?  Do you have have any good news to tell me about your husband?"  Mrs Nancy replied, "Sister Lara my husband passed away yesterday."

Label-Blood Covenant and Emotional Healing 

Welcome to Today's Devotion 

Today's Scripture

Psalm 34:17 
The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 

I was walking down the hall at work when a paramedic and our campus nurse with the life saftey supervisor was escorting an elderly man out, tucked comfortably on a bed to the ambulance.  Knowing the man could not see me from his aged eyesight but knowing he knew my voice I touched his leg as he was passing by me and said, "Come home soon." 

Several days went by and I stopped by today to see the man's wife and knocked on their door and rang their doorbell.  The daughter met me a the door and I said, "Hello is Mrs Nancy here?"  The daughter said, "Oh you are Sister Lara, come on in."  Mrs Nancy heard my voice and walked over to greet me and I said, "Hello Mrs Nancy.  How are you?  Do you have have any good news to tell me about your husband?"  Mrs Nancy replied, "Sister Lara my husband passed away yesterday." 

In today's Scripture we read, "The righteous cry." I stood there with Mrs Nancy and cried with her and as hot tears ran down our faces knowing, "The LORD heareth."  The LORD hears because the "Righteous are in Covenant" even when they can't help themselves; even when they don't have the right words to say; even when they don't know how to say how bad they hurt; even when they can't seem to stand on their own; even when they feel like they are all alone. 

Look, crying isn't always easy when a heart is broken because it is in times like these the human side of our hearts feel helpless and emotional.  In the same way as you grow in life and get older you realize, "Tears are a prayer in their own and a sense of comfort with those you cry with."  But when about those times when you have no one to cry with when you are by yourself?  When those outbursts of tears are sown in grief?  Here, the word cry also means, "Thunder."  It is in times like these that Jesus hears ours our tears and says, "Is that Thunder I Hear?" I wonder, "Is that why it thundered when Jesus was on the cross? Maybe? Maybe not?"  Yet, what a thought in the power of tears.  Look, if you have to cry then cry it is ok but also understand your tears mean, "Thunder!"  At the same time, not only is it good to cry, but tears also mean "To summon for help."  You may not have words "But let it thunder in your days of rain and need of healing" because not only does the LORD hear, "But the LORD delivers out of all your troubles."  He not only hears our tears of Thunder but He hears with attention and interest to listen to your tears. As Mrs Nancy and I stood there crying, there came a moment we looked at each other and smiled.  No words were exchanged but we did elbow hug each other and gently said, "It was good to be here with you today." 

Today's Confession: 

Father, You are the God who Sees and the God of All Comfort.  We praise You for Thunder and we praise You that when we have no one to Thunder with You are there to hear our summon for help, through our tears.  We thank You for pointing our hearts to Jesus during times like these who comes to our rescue as our Prince of Peace, Keeper of our Tears, One Who Cried on the Cross.  He saw His own Mother on the cross and her tears summond Him to speak to her even in His biggest pain.  Help us to see others in our lives who cross our paths during times like these, in days of needing our tears to be dried, just as Jesus did with His own Mother.  Thank You for Thunder.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

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Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
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Sister Lara 

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