Saturday, April 30, 2022

How to Create Your Desires Genesis 1 Verse 1 Through 3 Online School of Prayer


Scripture Devotion  Genesis 1:1-3 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Prayer is more than commune with God, "Commune with God is Friendship."  
Prayer is learning to "Create With God as One in Covenant." ~~Sister Lara 

Welcome to Today's Episode 

How to Create the Desires of Your Heart Genesis 1:1-3

Scripture Devotion 

Genesis 1:1-3

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

What would you like to learn today? Why? 

What does the meaning of beginning mean the most to you? Why?

What does the meaning of God mean the most to you?


What is God speaking to you after you heard today's message? 

How can you reflect upon what God has spoke to you? 

How can you respond to what God has spoke to you? 

If you would like to learn more about this teaching request the full teaching with study notes and pictures in the Online School of Prayer.

For Prayer Click Here.

Thank you for subscribing to this blog, 

Navigate to the right of these writings and click follow on your phone or device, you know what to do from there.

Good Day,
Sister Lara 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Cloud by Day The Unfolding of Your Presence

Thank you  for subscribing to this blog,  Navigate to the right of these writings and click follow,  Good Day, Sister Lara

Welcome to Today's Devotion

Numbers 9:16 

It remained that way continually; the cloud would cover the tabernacle by day, and at night it would appear like fire.

Want to listen while you read?

Just as the presence of God, our Elohim, rested upon the Tabernacle of Moses the presence of God rests upon the Head of the Triumphant, Glorious, Overcoming Church. I was walking down a grocery isle and recognized the presence of God upon me and instantly I inwardly said, "I Love You, and I am so grateful You will never leave me or forsake me." 

Here in today's meditation we read, "It (the Cloud by day and the appearance of Fire by night) remained like that always." Let me ask you, "Did you notice the word always?"  

Let's take a closer look from the Strong's Concordance: 

Strong’s Definitions [H8548]

תָּמִיד tâmîyd, taw-meed'; from an unused root meaning to stretch; properly, continuance (as indefinite extension); but used only (attributively as adjective) constant (or adverbially, constantly); elliptically the regular (daily) sacrifice:—alway(-s), continual (employment, -ly), daily, (n-)ever(-more), perpetual.

This word "always" represents the idea of elliptical movements that are perpetual. At first glance we ask, "What is elliptical?"  As you study this word you will discover that elliptical represents "Spiral Gallaxies."  (Merriam Dictionary) As well these words "Spiral Gallaxies" represent images upon one another.

It is the motion of the cloud to move in a circular form.  What is exciting about these images is that in this past Sunday Live (Request Video Link) we learned that the cloud represents the distribution of the Divine Nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit (Elohim meaning is Trinity) 

Every Name of God is a "Spiral Galaxy being let down, like a staircase or an unfolding ladder upon the disciple" through the Head who is Christ Jesus.  Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me" and this same Spirit is upon the Triumphant Church.  So next time you recognize the presence of God upon you, please understand how beautifully and wonderfully you are designed and made.  

Righteouness is more than right standing with God, and a sanctified life.  Righteousness positions the disciple, "To walk in the path of the unfolding the Names of God as Light in the Face of Jesus to know the will and way of God's Heart." This is pure Rest!~~Sister Lara 


Father, You are my Dwelling Place and my Crown of Glory.  You are the God of all the Earth, and the God Who Sees.  I praise You and give You thanks for reconciling me through Your Names full of Blood, Water and Spirit of Rest and Righteousness in Covenant through Jesus.  You remain upon me continually and eternally filling me inwardly in the spiral staircases that unfold, for me to walk in and Rest as One in Covenant. Thank You Holy Spirit for being the Spirit of Life upon me and in me today.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

If you would like to learn more about this teaching request the full teaching with study notes and pictures in the School of Moses.

For Prayer Click Here.

Thank you for subscribing to this blog, 

Navigate to the right of these writings and click follow on your phone or device, you know what to do from there.

Good Day,
Sister Lara 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Is That Thunder I Hear Psalm 34 Verse 17


Several days went by and I stopped by today to see the man's wife and knocked on their door and rang their doorbell.  The daughter met me a the door and I said, "Hello is Mrs Nancy here?"  The daughter said, "Oh you are Sister Lara, come on in."  Mrs Nancy heard my voice and walked over to greet me and I said, "Hello Mrs Nancy.  How are you?  Do you have have any good news to tell me about your husband?"  Mrs Nancy replied, "Sister Lara my husband passed away yesterday."

Label-Blood Covenant and Emotional Healing 

Welcome to Today's Devotion 

Today's Scripture

Psalm 34:17 
The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 

I was walking down the hall at work when a paramedic and our campus nurse with the life saftey supervisor was escorting an elderly man out, tucked comfortably on a bed to the ambulance.  Knowing the man could not see me from his aged eyesight but knowing he knew my voice I touched his leg as he was passing by me and said, "Come home soon." 

Several days went by and I stopped by today to see the man's wife and knocked on their door and rang their doorbell.  The daughter met me a the door and I said, "Hello is Mrs Nancy here?"  The daughter said, "Oh you are Sister Lara, come on in."  Mrs Nancy heard my voice and walked over to greet me and I said, "Hello Mrs Nancy.  How are you?  Do you have have any good news to tell me about your husband?"  Mrs Nancy replied, "Sister Lara my husband passed away yesterday." 

In today's Scripture we read, "The righteous cry." I stood there with Mrs Nancy and cried with her and as hot tears ran down our faces knowing, "The LORD heareth."  The LORD hears because the "Righteous are in Covenant" even when they can't help themselves; even when they don't have the right words to say; even when they don't know how to say how bad they hurt; even when they can't seem to stand on their own; even when they feel like they are all alone. 

Look, crying isn't always easy when a heart is broken because it is in times like these the human side of our hearts feel helpless and emotional.  In the same way as you grow in life and get older you realize, "Tears are a prayer in their own and a sense of comfort with those you cry with."  But when about those times when you have no one to cry with when you are by yourself?  When those outbursts of tears are sown in grief?  Here, the word cry also means, "Thunder."  It is in times like these that Jesus hears ours our tears and says, "Is that Thunder I Hear?" I wonder, "Is that why it thundered when Jesus was on the cross? Maybe? Maybe not?"  Yet, what a thought in the power of tears.  Look, if you have to cry then cry it is ok but also understand your tears mean, "Thunder!"  At the same time, not only is it good to cry, but tears also mean "To summon for help."  You may not have words "But let it thunder in your days of rain and need of healing" because not only does the LORD hear, "But the LORD delivers out of all your troubles."  He not only hears our tears of Thunder but He hears with attention and interest to listen to your tears. As Mrs Nancy and I stood there crying, there came a moment we looked at each other and smiled.  No words were exchanged but we did elbow hug each other and gently said, "It was good to be here with you today." 

Today's Confession: 

Father, You are the God who Sees and the God of All Comfort.  We praise You for Thunder and we praise You that when we have no one to Thunder with You are there to hear our summon for help, through our tears.  We thank You for pointing our hearts to Jesus during times like these who comes to our rescue as our Prince of Peace, Keeper of our Tears, One Who Cried on the Cross.  He saw His own Mother on the cross and her tears summond Him to speak to her even in His biggest pain.  Help us to see others in our lives who cross our paths during times like these, in days of needing our tears to be dried, just as Jesus did with His own Mother.  Thank You for Thunder.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

If you would like prayer, please click here.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. Simply navigate to the right of your phone and click follow so I can see your picture as I write to you, or your name.  Look you don't even have to put your picture there, it's just nice to know you are there with me as I share as my Covenant Family, too. Thanks!

Sister Lara 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Thats Righteousnes Colossians 2 Verse 11 Through 13 Daily Devotional

A disciple must first understand that it is the life of being one in the Godhead Through Blood Covenant that comes first in Righteousness and Rest,Did you notice that  faith is secondary?  Here we read in Scripture that Paul establishes the disciple in several ways: first to understand that we are baptized into Christ. Secondly through the circumcision of Jesus our old nature is stripped off through the circumcision of the body.   Clearly we must understand that living a life of righteousness through Covenant of Righteousness in the God Head is foundational as the first principal thing. When I say Christ I am saying that God the father and God the Holy Spirit live in Jesus who is the Christ. Every Born Again disciple is Born Into the Godhead as one through blood Covenant and it is the work of the Godhead to sustain the disciple and rest through Blood Covenant as the disciple simply yields that's righteousness.

Welcome to Today's Devotional 

"That's Righteousness"

A disciple must first understand that it is the life of being one in the Godhead Through Blood Covenant that comes first in Righteousness and Rest,Did you notice that faith is secondary?

Here we read in Scripture that Paul establishes the disciple in several ways: first to understand that we are baptized into Christ. Secondly through the circumcision of Jesus our old nature is stripped off through the circumcision of the body.

Clearly we must understand that living a life of righteousness through Covenant of Righteousness in the God Head is foundational as the first principal thing. When I say Christ I am saying that God the father and God the Holy Spirit live in Jesus who is the Christ. Every Born Again disciple is Born Into the Godhead as one through blood Covenant and it is the work of the Godhead to sustain the disciple and rest through Blood Covenant as the disciple simply yields that's righteousness.

Here the Apostle Paul says through him.

This word him is where we get the word automobile or autos. We are literally carried inside the God Head like an automobile.

To understand this analogy is to understand that next Paul goes on to say through faith in the power of God: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son.
Here the word faith is where we get the word pistis, where we get the english word piston. Piston is different from rest and righteousness. The work of a piston is to pump the liquid through the tube to make steam in a car or a manufacturing plant etc.

This is why dear friends of God faith does not come first.

A disciple must first understand that it is the life of being one in the Godhead Through Blood Covenant that comes first in Righteousness and Rest, that the pumping, or moving work of Life and things through the Godhead and through the kingdom out into where faith is sending the desire is sent.

Far too often faith is recognized before being one in the Godhead and that is why most people are on the outside looking in.
Abraham is an example of that: righteousness or Oneness in the Godhead was imputed to him through the pumping work of faith as a deposit, yet born again disciples are fully one in Covenant to draw from the works of God and move them works of God through faith.
This is why righteousness is so much more than right standing with God. Because when I say God I am speaking of the God Head reconciled to the disciple in oneness.

It is in that position of being reconciled that a disciple has their begins in the rest life of God now flows through or pumps through or moves through which is piston, or faith.

That's why I love righteousness!
That's why the message of being born again is so pure and wonderful!

It is more than believing Jesus died Jesus has risen Jesus is coming again which is true. Yet that interpretation is from the outside not from the viewpoint of being one in rest in righteousness and blood Covenant.

Father in the name of Jesus I give you thanks and praise that I now live a life of peace with my whole being because I am vitally joined to you Father, to you Holy Spirit, to you Jesus, as one and righteousness and rest in Blood Covenant.

I praise you that my words are full of the substance of Who You Are in life
Making faith effectual and full of power to accomplish where I send my words.
In Jesus name amen

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

If you would like to learn about the Supernatural School of Moses and the School of Prophetic Imagination, click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Union Gems Devotion Bride Prayers of Prophetic Wells


Remember I AM with you as Your Helper and Intercessor in every area of your life.  We are One and being as One is My Covenant with you.  Rest with Me and I will teach you how to watch and increase in tongues.  As you simply recognize we are One and pray in tongues, I will turn your eyes towards Me.  I will turn your ears and heart towards Me and before you know it your Joy will increase in Oneness with Me.

Union Gem Devotion of Prophetic Wells

Bride Prayers of Prophetic Wells

~~Tailoring Moments~~

Remember I AM with you as Your Helper and Intercessor in every area of your life. We are One and being as One is My Covenant with you. Rest with Me and I will teach you how to watch and increase in tongues. As you simply recognize we are One and pray in tongues, I will turn your eyes towards Me. I will turn your ears and heart towards Me and before you know it your Joy will increase in Oneness with Me.

As you pray in tongues I will turn your eyes towards Me and I will wash them in Righteousness and Rest behind our veil as One. In the washing of your eyes Your Heavenly Bridegroom will see you looking at Him through our veil and He will be stirred to know this is a tailoring moment of His Triumphant Church. Tailoring moments of just weights of Rest and Righteousness in Covenant are here. The virgins will increase in tongues of many languages: tongues of Wisdom, tongues of Understanding, tongues of Council, tongues of Might, tongues of Fear of the Lord, tongues of Rest and Righteousness in Oneness of our Covenant.

As you pray in tongues I will turn your ears towards Me behind our veil and your ears will Rest in Righteousness from the voice of indifference of the kingdom of darkness and teach you how to release My Fire behind our veil to shut the mouths of foxes who desire to spoil our Oneness. Tailoring moments of just weights of Rest and Righteousness in Covenant are here.

You are wonderfully made and the blueprint of the pattern of our Love Steps behind our veil to prepare you to walk as One in beauty and Covenant will release the Scepter of Power and Righteousness are secrets I AM releasing to My Redeemed in this hour. Let us muse together in the blueprint of our Palace of being One in My Covenant behind our veil.

Union Gem Confession

Father, I acknowledge You as my: Dwelling Place and Fountain of Living Waters in the power of Your Union in my will. You fill my garments with Peaceful Presence of Oneness behind our veil in Covenant of Rest and Righteousness.

Your Spirit leads me in tongues of Counsel and Might, tongues of Glory in my soul releasing Your Breath of Oneness in the Spirit of Life in our Covenant of Rest and Righteousness. In silence and whispers of the heart I dare not speak words from my own understanding to drown our Love from the Dance of bliss of Union Undivided. I absorb You through the Spirit of Truth through Divine Embraces in Oneness with purposeful longings of tranquil Love of loves in soul.

All Hail! My Heavenly Bridegroom: Jesus, Lord of My Vineyards and Restorer of Time from other vineyards I kept that were not ordained for me to keep. They took my garments. They took my fire of passion. All Hail! My Heavenly Bridegroom: Jesus! Ha! You gave me Your Fire to delight in me in my flesh through Your Trespass Offerings Ablaze! Through Your Burnt Offerings Ablaze !! Through Your Sin Offerings Ablaze! My feet are becoming brass in humble reflection of You in the Oils of Gladness: Rest and Righteousness in Oneness of Covenant. You taught me the Union Gems of Power by Fire Offerings to release Your Aroma of Sweetness and Gentleness in my woundedness from the worlds cold love and rejection, and deception. I rise with You, my Love of loves Jesus in Union of Divine Embraces in Oneness of Your Body. Over and Over Again I absorb You as many Lilies to bloom and many Lilies to toil in the Dew of Your Rest and Righteousness. In Oneness of Trinity You form Me in Prophetic Wells of Beauty, Bliss and Delight from the inside out in streets that were once abandoned in my being to streets of Golden Light and Oils of Rest and Righteousness.


Want More?

Union Gems of Prophetic Wells 11 Day Journey Through the Bible

Still Want More? Enjoy this Union Gems 11 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional

1. Three Step Reflection Method on each targeted Scripture for journaling.

2. Communion Devotion Prompts with journal area.

3. Seer Tips, 3 Step Method of Reflection with Journal.

This is 72 pages long.

For Online School of Prayer friends who are registered.
or--This is published on Kindle.

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

If you would like to learn about the Supernatural School of Moses and the School of Prophetic Imagination, click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Week Three Union Gems of Blood Covenant and Gods Rest 1 Corinthians 13 verse 3


Here, we read that a person can do many things but without love there is no gain.  However, because God is Love a heart cannot know God's Love unless a heart first knows righteousness and rest in Blood Covenant.  God's Love cannot be received in a heart and in a mind, in a relationship unless a person knows rest.    Rest is given when a heart is positioned as One, and where there is no revelation of being One in Covenant "Love has no pure expression."  It is here the weary soul tries to give in order to get and that is defined as Love.  Yet, there is no rest in this type of Love because this type of Love is self-righteous.  There is no difference when a soul tries to build walls in order to protect itself from the wrong type of Love yet this type of Love is still self-love, or self righteous.  God's Rest is the Union Gem of Blood Covenant because it is in God's Rest a heart is positioned already in Righteousness and God's Love is free to flow; God's Love is free to have expression; God's Love is free to be received and given.  Amen.

Welcome to Today's Devotion 

Today's Scripture 

1 Corinthians 13:3 
 If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Here, we read that a person can do many things but without love there is no gain.  However, because God is Love a heart cannot know God's Love unless a heart first knows righteousness and rest in Blood Covenant.  God's Love cannot be received in a heart and in a mind, in a relationship unless a person knows rest.  

Rest is given when a heart is positioned as One, and where there is no revelation of being One in Covenant "Love has no pure expression."  It is here the weary soul tries to give in order to get and that is defined as Love.  Yet, there is no rest in this type of Love because this type of Love is self-righteous.  There is no difference when a soul tries to build walls in order to protect itself from the wrong type of Love yet this type of Love is still self-love, or self righteous.  God's Rest is the Union Gem of Blood Covenant because it is in God's Rest a heart is positioned already in Righteousness and God's Love is free to flow; God's Love is free to have expression; God's Love is free to be received and given.  Amen. 

Today's Confession: 

 Father, You are Love and Your Love is our Hiding Place and Most Upright.  Today, I acknowledge that I am walking as One with You in Rest and Righteousness already through the finished works of cross in Jesus name, my: Angels of Your Presence, my Advocate, my Lord of Peace.  Thank You that You have given me the Holy Spirit, who is my: Spirit of Life, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of who You are.  Now I walk in the expression of Your Love in my life to have free course in all I do today.  Amen. 

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

If you would like to learn about the Supernatural School of Moses and the School of Prophetic Imagination, click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

The Anointing A 10 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional


As the disciple lives a life of intimacy with God it is during that time the Holy Spirit will direct the disciple to learn about the same Anointing that Jesus had in His earthly ministry.  Yet, at the same time the disciple will learn how the Holy Spirit has given the Anointing to equip for ministry.  Not all the members of the Body of Christ have the same assignment, the same talents, the same gifts but all do have the same work of the Holy Spirit to take of the Father and give the Anointing through Jesus to the disciple.  Satan tries to copy the Anointing with supernatural signs and miracles, prophecies and more.  Yet, in times like these one thing Satan cannot do is help the disciple live a devoted life unto God in the Anointing.  At the end of the day the Anointing helps the church be an Overcoming, Triumphant, Glorious, Redeemed Body of Jesus.  Hallelujah! Amen.    Enjoy this plan I put together for you today.

Label-Bible Reading Devotional Plans

The Anointing A 10 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional

Today's Devotion:

As the disciple lives a life of intimacy with God it is during that time the Holy Spirit will direct the disciple to learn about the same Anointing that Jesus had in His earthly ministry.  Yet, at the same time the disciple will learn how the Holy Spirit has given the Anointing to equip for ministry.  Not all the members of the Body of Christ have the same assignment, the same talents, the same gifts but all do have the same work of the Holy Spirit to take of the Father and give the Anointing through Jesus to the disciple.  Satan tries to copy the Anointing with supernatural signs and miracles, prophecies and more.  Yet, in times like these one thing Satan cannot do is help the disciple live a devoted life unto God in the Anointing.  At the end of the day the Anointing helps the church be an Overcoming, Triumphant, Glorious, Redeemed Body of Jesus.  Hallelujah! Amen.  

Enjoy this plan I put together for you today.

Day 1 - Teacheth You All Things

Day 2 - Supernatural Knowing 

Day 3 - Five Important Works

Day 4 - For the Sick

Day 5 - Anointing of the Feet 

Day 6 -  Three Works Against Darkness

Day 7 - Sanctifies

Day 8 - The Personal Use Of 

Day 9 - Use After Supernatural Encounters of Dreams

Day 10 - Establishes the Disciple in Christ 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

If you would like to learn about our Supernatural School of Moses and the School of Prophetic Imagination click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Archangel Michael A 9 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional


Today's Devotional  While there are many angels discussed in the Word of God it is important to note that "Angels care created by God."  As we study the Word of God we find many reasons why God created angels and one of those many reasons is to help the disciple of God's presence, and the lost and backslidden return to God.  It is important to note that disciples of God's Word do not worship angels but at the same time we should be expectant to be watchful of those who come in and out of our lives as disciples are told in the Word of God there are "Angel unawares."  Make no mistake, there are also fallen angels of satans kingdom and as the world gets darker satans kingdom will increase.  The Good News is that "Every disciple has the Word of God as their Life-Line to intimacy with God to walk in the Spirit.  At the same time, every disciple has the fullness of the God-Head: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit living in them and upon them leaving the disciple fully equipped with God's Word to rest in Righteousness."   Now, let's begin our Bible Reflections on the topic of "Archangel Michael."  Let's go!

Label-Bible Reading Devotional Plans 

Archangel Michael A 9 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional 

Today's Devotional 

While there are many angels discussed in the Word of God it is important to note that "Angels care created by God."  As we study the Word of God we find many reasons why God created angels and one of those many reasons is to help the disciple of God's presence, and the lost and backslidden return to God.  It is important to note that disciples of God's Word do not worship angels but at the same time we should be expectant to be watchful of those who come in and out of our lives as disciples are told in the Word of God there are "Angel unawares."  Make no mistake, there are also fallen angels of satans kingdom and as the world gets darker satans kingdom will increase.  The Good News is that "Every disciple has the Word of God as their Life-Line to intimacy with God to walk in the Spirit.  At the same time, every disciple has the fullness of the God-Head: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit living in them and upon them leaving the disciple fully equipped with God's Word to rest in Righteousness." 

Now, let's begin our Bible Reflections on the topic of "Archangel Michael."  Let's go!

Today's Devotional  While there are many angels discussed in the Word of God it is important to note that "Angels care created by God."  As we study the Word of God we find many reasons why God created angels and one of those many reasons is to help the disciple of God's presence, and the lost and backslidden return to God.  It is important to note that disciples of God's Word do not worship angels but at the same time we should be expectant to be watchful of those who come in and out of our lives as disciples are told in the Word of God there are "Angel unawares."  Make no mistake, there are also fallen angels of satans kingdom and as the world gets darker satans kingdom will increase.  The Good News is that "Every disciple has the Word of God as their Life-Line to intimacy with God to walk in the Spirit.  At the same time, every disciple has the fullness of the God-Head: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit living in them and upon them leaving the disciple fully equipped with God's Word to rest in Righteousness."
You can also get this in a digital PDF which includes:

1. Scripture reflection on the Archangel Michael 
(on blog)
2. Three Step Journal Reflection of targeted Scripture.
3. Communion Journal & Reflection 

This is a 52 page PDF published on Kindle $4.99

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

If you would like to learn about the Supernatural School of Moses and the School of Prophetic Imagination, click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Living a Life of Praise A 8 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional Plan


Living a life of praise is learning to live a life of intimacy with God and His fullness.  Praise not only imparts God's strength into our whole being but also keeps us positioned in God's Joy throughout the day. It is through praise that the disciple is established in a stronghold against all of God's enemies and God becomes the Armour of Life and Light for the disciple to quench every firey dart of the enemy of the cross.

NEW~Bible Reading Devotional Plans

Today's Devotional

Living a life of praise is learning to live a life of intimacy with God and His fullness.  Praise not only imparts God's strength into our whole being but also keeps us positioned in God's Joy throughout the day. It is through praise that the disciple is established in a stronghold against all of God's enemies and God becomes the Armour of Life and Light for the disciple to quench every firey dart of the enemy of the cross.  

There is so many more benefits of praise and that is why I put this "Living a Life of Praise A 8 Day Journey Through the Bible Devotional Plan."  Enjoy! 

You can also get this in a digital PDF which includes:  1. Scripture reflection of Praise (on website) 2. Three Step Journal Reflection of targeted Scripture. 3. Communion Journal & Reflection   This is a 54 page PDF published on Kindle $4.99  Available for all registered people at Online School of Prayer   Thanks for being with us in this post today,  Sister Lara   If you would like prayer click here.  If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.
You can also get this in a digital PDF which includes:

1. Scripture reflection of Praise (on website)
2. Three Step Journal Reflection of targeted Scripture.
3. Communion Journal & Reflection 

This is a 54 page PDF published on Kindle $4.99

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like to study our beginner studies on Rest and Righteousness for Beginners and Advanced click here.

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Into Your Hands The Prayer of Jesus Daily Devotional


Welcome to Today's Devotional  Into Your Hands The Prayer of Jesus Daily Devotional

Welcome to Today's Devotional 

Into Your Hands The Prayer of Jesus Daily Devotional 

Today's Scripture: 

Luke 23:46
Then Jesus called out in a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit.” And when He had said this, He breathed His last. 

I couldn't be free on my own.  I tried everything I knew: I prayed the Word of God, sang in tongues for hours, had heavenly visitations, saw visions of Jesus --yet, I could not live a victorious life.  I prayed in tongues for a year in hopes to find some sort of answer to the life of holiness and separation unto God that I so desperately wanted to life.  I wanted what the Bible said I could have and walk in it.  It was during that year I repeated a word in tongues over and over which was Kata Lasso.  One day, I opened my Bible to study 2 Corinthians 5 when I read, "To wit God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses against them but has committed to them the ministry of reconciliation."  I saw the word reconciliation repeated in this chapter so many times that I said to myself, "I wonder what that word means?"  There, as I opened my Bible Concordance I saw the word I repeated for almost a year in tongues, "Kata Lasso."  My life would never be the same.  I hungered and studied this message of reconciliation for almost five years walking in a holiness and rest I never had before free from the lewdness of sin and shame and it was through the prayer of Jesus I would learn more about the Ministry of Reconciliation. 

Here, Jesus prayed, "Into Your hands I commit My Spirit."  Here, the word commend means to deposit, or make One.  As I studied this word commend it was there that I realized that I was One in righteousness, or Blood Covenant.  Yet, I realized that it was in the Father that I was made One through Jesus as the Door.  For the first time I learned I was put back into the Father, in Oneness through Jesus.  Blood was not something to put on, not something to decree, not something to plead but Blood was my  new clothes that I was dipped in inwardly and outwardly.   Yet, Blood created me to be One in Rest.  The blessed Rest I never had before.  A deep cleansing soul Rest that I could walk in newness of Life in the Mind of the Father through Jesus.  I was One in the Father, and One through Jesus.  Yet, it was the Holy Spirit that caused me to have a newness of a quickened Life I never had before.  

Righteousness is more than right standing with God.  Righteousness is being One in the fullness of the God Head, and positioned in the God Head in Rest.  It is in that Rest that I practiced by simply acknowledging daily through the finished works of the cross that the Life of the God-Head could live through me as One.  

Today's Confession: 

Father, You are the Father of Mercies, My Dwelling Place, Most Upright.  Today, I praise You that I live in You through Jesus: Bishop of my Soul, Angel of Your Presence and because of Him as My Door that You brought me through to be One with You I can now rest in Oneness with You in Covenant.  Living in You is Deliverance and living in You positioned me to know You as My Heavenly Father. Thank You for giving me Your Spirit: Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Adoption, Power of the Highest, Free Spirit.  For Yours is the Kingdom.  Yours is the Power.  Yours is the Glory. Forever and ever. Amen. 

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Thanks for being with us in this post today, 
Sister Lara 

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

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