Thursday, February 24, 2022

The School of Moses What is the Purpose of the Tabernacle of Moses Episode 46


The School of Moses What is the Purpose of the Tabernacle of Moses Episode 46

Episode 1-Supernatural School of Moses 

What is the purpose of the Tabernacle of Moses? 

Let's go! 

Journal: What would you like to learn from today's time together? Why? 


Three Step Journal Meditation The Tabernacle of Moses | What is the Purpose of the Tabernacle?
Write out today's Scripture  Hebrews 10:16


What is God speaking to you? 


How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you? 

How can you act upon what God is speaking to you? 

Label-Being Born Again of Blood Covenant;  John 15 and Blood Covenant  Blood Covenant Thought of the Day: The branches in our lives represent the extension of the Father's Rest through Christ Jesus in the disciple to reveal the Father's Habitation as One. Sister Lara   Today's Podcast Episode

Use our free register button to learn more on the topic of "Tabernacle of Moses Supernatural School" 

Online School of Prayer of Blood Covenant (Google Site) click here

Online School of Prayer of Blood Covenant ( click here

I am so thankful for the many people who are drawn to these pages to look for like fellowship on the topic of Blood Covenant.  

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