Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How to Remain Fruitful When the World Walks in the Wilderness


How to Remain Fruitful When the World Walks in the Wilderness  Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest   Today's Thought on Blood Covenant: What ever is outside of Blood Covenant with God will always be a world of unbelief and chaos. ~~Sister Lara

How to Remain Fruitful When the World Walks in the Wilderness 

Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest 

Today's Thought on Blood Covenant: What ever is outside of Blood Covenant with God will always be a world of unbelief and chaos. ~~Sister Lara 

It's not always easy to live a life of God's Rest & Righteousness. At times, to be honest, it is really hard because a disciple of God's presence is a disciple.  Being a disciple is not made for wimps as being a disciple takes daily routine and practice. 

I work in a place where my co-workers are just like every other place.  You have those who want to be the boss and have an eye for detail to pick out what ever someone is doing wrong and correct that person.  Then you have those who sit back and gossip all the time in quiet whispers in a corner or behind the scenes.  Then you have those who always want attention from the boss by peaking about how much work they do and more when in reality they do no work at all but leave the property then come back in a few hours.  I am sure you can think of other things that come to mind as you read this.  I work in a work place where a woman who just came back from maternity leave carries a bottle of white out and goes behind people who wrote their time in wrong on the sign in and out time sheet and personally calls her co-workers to the sign out sheet and tells them how they signed in or out wrong.  When she corrects them she uses the white out and blots out their name, then after she corrects the person that person goes and sits down humiliated and upset. 

The just of the matter is the woman who carries the white out around comes in to work a half  hour late and works for a few hours then goes home and signs herself out that she worked the whole day.  

In today's Scripture we read, "Judgement shall dwell in the wilderness" but righteousness remains in the fruitful field.  No matter what is going on around you a disciple can remain in a place of being fruitful rather than keeping their eyes on what this Scripture calls, "The wilderness."  The wilderness is in the workplace because hearts and minds do not walk in God's Rest and Righteousness and have never heard of Blood Covenant or what that means. Look, it is not easy but it is often easy to be caught up in what is going on around you.   

Jesus said, "You are in the world but don't be part of the world." (John 15:19) This is when you have to roll your sleeves up and make a choice that you are going to live remain in the position of being One with who God is through Blood Covenant and draw from the elements of God's Rest and Righteousness.  David said, "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures and he restores my soul. He leads me beside still waters and streams of righteousness and rest."  See, in times of chaos at your work place or any place all you have to do is simply acknowlege in your heart and mind that you are One with the fullness of God through Blood Covenant, and you live inside of God.  The moment you begin to inwardly recognize this in your heart and mind the presence of God will be known in your thoughts and it is in His presence that your thoughts will Rest with God, through the waters of Rest.  

1 John 5:7-8 says there are three elements of Blood Covenant on the earth: water, blood, and Spirit.  As you begin to simply inwardly recognize your position of not being in the wilderness of chaos this is when you remain in a fruitful place, which is God's Rest and Righteousness in Blood Covenant.  Secondly, as you recognize this place of fruitfulness with a whole heart you can draw from those waters of Blood Covenant; from Life in the Blood; into your situation, and the Spirit of God will move and comfort you and strengthen you to keep your focus on the kingdom.  Don't give in to what the responses of others are or are not and "Remain Fruitful When the World Walks in the Wilderness."  You got this!  You were given everything you need to walk in God's Rest & Righteousness through the Blood Covenant and you have been fully equipped to be victorious in your day.  That's good news! Amen! 

Confession: Father, in Jesus, name I acknowledge that I am One with You in Blood Covenant.  Throughout my day I thank You that You have already provided for me what I need to walk in quietness and stillness in my heart through the elements of Blood Covenant: water, blood, and Spirit.  I will remain fruitful, with Your supply already given to me through Jesus and I will walk in joy rather than frustration today.  Amen. Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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