Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Blood Covenant Genesis 1 Why Did God Speak Light What is Water


Blood Covenant Genesis 1 "When God Said Let There Be Light" Why Did God Speak Light? What is Water?

Blood Covenant Genesis 1 Why Did God Speak Light? What is Water?

Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground (earth) made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate upon therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Today's Video Length: 10:49 secs. (4:35 mins teaching begins)
Today's Thought: 
What was the purpose of Light in creation? What do the waters represent? 

Journal Your Thoughts: 
Why would you like to learn these thoughts today? 


Welcome to Today's Teaching 

Blood Covenant Genesis 1 "When God Said Let There Be Light"

Why Did God Speak Light? What is Water?

Please print out your notes before we start so you can follow along. 

At the end, put them in your binder and label them "Blood Covenant-The Garden of Eden."  

Get them all and be blessed!

(Teaching begins at 4:35 secs) 

1. As we learn to keep covenant it is God who establishes His promises.  T:F Why is this important? 

2. Write Genesis 1:1-2 

3. At 4:35 mins we realize that it is because we are in Blood Covenant we can create like Him.  Would you agree or disagree as to why speaking the Word in times past did or did not work for you?  Why is that important to you now? 


4. Gods likeness means what? 


5. God brought everything out of Himself.  T:F  Why is this important as you walk in Blood Covenant?


6. What did the waters represent that the Spirit moved upon? Why is this important to know as we walk in Blood Covenant? 


7.  When God spoke light where did the light go?  Why is this important? 

8. God sowed light because light represents ___________________ in order to bring everything He created into rest. 

9. What does waters represent? 

What three things bear witness in the earth? Why is this important in Blood Covenant? 

After today's time together, and you have turned the video off and gone about your day "What thoughts come to mind about today's teaching? Why?" 

Confession: Father, in the name of Jesus that I am One with You in Blood Covenant in the fullness of the God-Head.  I acknowledge with my whole being: spirit, soul, and body, that Your Blood Covenant quickens my whole being and upholds me continually by Your Spirit quickening your Word in me.  I live in the Kingdom of God as One, and the Blood Covenant enlarges me continually in Life on the earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.


Welcome to Today's Teaching  Blood Covenant Genesis 1 "When God Said Let There Be Light" Why Did God Speak Light? What is Water?  Please print out your notes before we start so you can follow along.   At the end, put them in your binder and label them "Blood Covenant-The Garden of Eden."    Get them all and be blessed!
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  • If this has blessed you and you have a testimony to share we would love to hear as you leave your comment below. 

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