Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Blood Covenant of Rest and Righteousness Series Lesson 1

The Blood Covenant of Rest and Righteousness Series Lesson 1 Label-Sunday Live Study Notes
The Blood Covenant of Rest and Righteousness Series Lesson 1

Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest 

It has been brought to my attention from the Holy Spirit to study the message of Blood Covenant in God's Holy Word.  After this series of study together the disciple of God's presence will walk away with an understanding of Blood Covenant of God's Rest and Righteousness. 

The message of Blood Covenant was given to me as revelation in direct answer to answered prayer.  There has been a time period of ten years I have studied and taught the message of God's Rest and Righteousness.  Now, it is good to the Holy Spirit to have me fine tune the message of God's Rest & Righteousness with the message of Blood Covenant.  

As we go through this study together it is important to remember that I share everything I do from the viewpoint of God's Rest and Righteousness. Therefore, to understand from that point of view would only come through revelation to those that have never heard of God's Rest or walked in it.  For those that have never heard of God's Rest and have tried to interpret the meaning and message of the Blood Covenant of God in Christ, I have discovered that this same student of God's Word has interpreted much of the Bible meaning of Blood Covenant from the outside looking in, as well. 

For that reason, the end result of the teaching of this series will help us learn the importance of Blood Covenant and it will also present a view to the disciple of God's Rest and Righteousness that will be invigorating. So, for today let's get started in "The Blood Covenant of Rest and Righteousness Series, Lesson 1." 

This Weeks Fellowship Teaching 

Opening Scriptures

Exodus 19:5-6 
You have seen for yourselves what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles` wings and brought you to Myself.  Now, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, you will be My treasured possession out of all the nations-for the whole earth is Mine.  And unto Me you shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.  These are the words that you are to speak to the Israelites.

Journal: What would you like to learn from this time together today? Why? 

1.  Where was Jesus speaking to Moses from? 

2. Why did Jesus bring Nations to Himself? 
3. After Rest is revealed to God's people, what does God establish with His people? 

4.  Why is what God establishes with His people so important? 

5. ____________establishes the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

6. What other two insights does Sister Lara share about the reason Covenant is established? 

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Voice of God's Rest Bookstore 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 

Sister Lara

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