Monday, June 28, 2021

God Has Possessed Me First Daily Devotion of Gods Rest


God Has Possessed Me First Daily Devotion of Gods Rest  I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.  Philippians 3:12 (NLT)  Label-Gods Rest Daily Devotional

God Has Possessed Me First Daily Devotion of Gods Rest 

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.  Philippians 3:12 (NLT)

Label-Gods Rest Daily Devotional 

There are times in our lives where we feel as though we are overwhelmed by life's circumstances and without hope.  It is in these times that we can instantly begin to hear thoughts that speak to us, "You are no good. You are going to fail.  Why isn't anything working out for me?  Why am I always the one that goes through this and everyone else seems to do better?" I am sure you can think of times like these in your life, where thoughts like these came so fast you felt like you were in a downward spiral.  There is good news for times like these and that is why I wanted to share this Scripture with you today. 

Did you know that "Jesus Christ already took hold you first and He will never let you go?"  Before you even knew what situation you were walking into, or what kind of thoughts the enemy wanted to throw against your thoughts, "Jesus already has you held so tight, He is waiting for you to rest with Him." He is there with you as one in the place you are, in the time you are, and in where you have been and where you are going.  Here is there because He is already joined to you as One. Not only that but He brought someone else with Him to where you are.  

When we read the word "Christ" this word means He is Anointed to overtake and overcome any situation for you on your behalf, as you rest with Him as One.  So, not only does Christ mean Anointed but we must ask ourselves what is Jesus Anointed with?  See, the word Christ also represents the idea of the "Fullness of who God is, is with Him and you."  Christ means: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son (Jesus) with you, who has already possessed you first.  For that reason you can rest with who He is because God is with you-as Father; the Holy Spirit is with you--as your Comforter, Helper, Guide, Standby, Advocate, Judge, Intercessor, Spirit of Truth and more.  

So understanding who has possessed you first is learning to understand that you have already been given the victory and it is in times like that you must "Press On." The fullness of who God is with you to take over your situation and make a way where there seems to be no way. Before you know it, those thoughts that once bombarded you are no longer there because you realize, "It is impossible to possess all who God is in your situation but it is fully possible for the God-Head to possess all of you within a moment of time and cause you to be victorious, through Christ Jesus."  You have already been possessed.  That is good news!


Father, in the name of Jesus I give You thanks and I cast my cares upon You-one by one.  I thank You that You have already possessed me; laid hold of me; taken hold of me; and I choose as an act of my will to simply Rest as One in the fullness of who You are through Jesus.  Amen. 


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