Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection Gods Rest Daily Devotional


The Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection

Prayer is the journey of a company of Handmaidens (or Handmen) to go into the Garden of the Father, His very Heart, and learn to sow, plant, reap, precious seeds in the cleft of the Vine of who God is. It is there, the Father is glorified in the Son and the Son is glorified in the Father to change the image of the seed into the Face of Jesus --through the Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection of Christ. 

Then and only then is Justice served and the Testimony and Spirit of Christ Jesus is revealed on earth as it is in heaven.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And do not imitate this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your minds, and you shall distinguish what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.

Psalm 91
He that dwelleth in the Secret Place (The Heart of God) shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

  • Thank you for subscribing and following along on this blog.  If this has blessed you and you have a testimony to share we would love to hear as you leave your comment below. 
  • Please visit our suggested navigation links to encourage you in your personal secret place, too. 

Thank you for visiting today, 
Steal Away in the Secret Place, 


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