Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection Gods Rest Daily Devotional


The Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection

Prayer is the journey of a company of Handmaidens (or Handmen) to go into the Garden of the Father, His very Heart, and learn to sow, plant, reap, precious seeds in the cleft of the Vine of who God is. It is there, the Father is glorified in the Son and the Son is glorified in the Father to change the image of the seed into the Face of Jesus --through the Light of Righteousness by the Resurrection of Christ. 

Then and only then is Justice served and the Testimony and Spirit of Christ Jesus is revealed on earth as it is in heaven.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And do not imitate this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your minds, and you shall distinguish what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.

Psalm 91
He that dwelleth in the Secret Place (The Heart of God) shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Garden of Renown a Song of the Bride and Righteousness


The Garden of Renown 

When you live inside of God's Heart, the precious Garden of Renown, you come to a provoking thought. That thought is, "I no longer reach to change myself in heart, soul, or intents."

In fact, when you are awakened to Righteousness you realize that being changed into the image of Christ is as simple as "Yielding to the Light of Righteousness that the Father gives. It is in that Light I remain."

He takes me as He wills with the touch of His Resurrection from deep within.

At that moment, He imparts in me Golden Living Waters of Righteousness becoming my Habitation.

His Resurrection Habitation is my only dependence in my being, filling me with raptures of bliss and gasp.

It is only His Resurrection that causes my paths to be filled to overflow, in His Garden within causing Habitation of the image of Christ.

When I lived outside His Garden, I tried to clean myself by repetitive repentance--w/out Resurrection Habitation of Him in me.

Just as the garments of Jesus were parted at the cross, so was mine by religious kinsman. Ha! Such foolish maidens; they had no Spikenard; they had no Oil. They were as one who had no breasts (Sincere milk of the Word of God) to arise and ascend without Resurrection made one in Rest. They said arise. They said ascend.

Yet, none spoke of Habitation Resurrection within.

Oh such beauty in the Garden of Renown. I dwell. I rest. Oh such bliss at the sounds of Waters of Righteousness filling me deep within.

I of myself can do nothing but simply yield in Resurrection Habitation within. I appear in Zion waiting for others to awake and appear as a city on hill where the clouds and midst of the firmament cover me, and fill within.

Psalm 84:7
They go from strength to strength, until each appears before God in Zion.

John 17:22
I have given them the glory You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one--

17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara
The Prophetic Handmaiden Storyteller

*This is a public post for all to share


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

We are here to serve you, 

Sister Lara 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Song of a Handmaiden Resting Places


The Song of a Handmaiden:
Resting Places of Bliss in the Garden of Renown

Your face shining in my heart is a
Shield of Righteous Habitation
Rays of Morning and Daybreak
shines as I walk
in the Light of the Son of Righteousness

My interior is being inlaid with Love
causing the shadows of other lovers
flee and become dim, behind our veil

Take me! oh Love of loves
Take me! oh Prince of Peace
in the quietness of raptures
of Love deep within; behind
my veil

In the valley of swords
You rose upon my mountains
and overtook their clashings
one by one;

I waited for You in the whispers
of desire and love;
Your announcement was made
in Awakening

You conquered them
in bliss and gasp in the rise
of Righteous Habitation;

The religious watchman
tried to pierce Your paths
with echos from their hiding
places; Yet, You came like
a Hunter of Love of loves
and overtook them all;
in the Light of Your Face
coming over their mountains;
the Thunder of Your Love
in the sound of Your Voice,
My Bride! My Bride!

foxes have no holes
they flee their habitation
at the Light of Your Face

You filled those places of Goliath
with Golden Honey coming over
my mountains; like honey;
from hiding places in the Rock.

It is there you arise
and impart to me Golden Waters of
Righteous Habitation

Peace, overtakes my sighs
of deep longing for You
to take me in the things
of the night.

Oh! If I had known such Love;
I would have never given over
to other lovers;

Oh! If I had experienced such
purity of Your Honey to wrap
me in swaddling clothes of Righteousness
I would have never taken
another image.

Daily, I thirst
Daily, I hunger that my couch
in my heart are the places
You have risen in me. These
are the hills of Love, that
roll over my heart like Justice
to feast in Joy that Your Love
has overcome

You line my interior with Rivers
of Righteousness of Light
I ascend inwardly at the smell
and fragrance of Your impartation
in my heart

What You touch, I drink
and consume, as a suckling
as Your Fruit becomes raisins

Where You Rise,
You cover me, in Robes of Purity
of Love, oh Loves of love.
Galleries of Rainbows; Covenant

I am awake in Righteousness;
Locked in the Reigns of Your Love
Behind Your Veil

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

We are here to serve you, 

Sister Lara 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Longing in the Fathers Light of Righteousness Gods Rest Daily Devotional


"The Longing"

In the Father's Light of Righteousness
He sows the Face of Jesus into my heart

I rest in Peace as He gathers His Harvest
in me, to change me, perfect me, move me,
subdue me in Righteous Habitation.

His Face fills my thoughts, one at a time,
blinding His enemies that want to steal
our time of dwelling under the canopy
of the Father's Garden of Renown, His heart.

His Resurrection is imparted in me,
causing the mountains of the Father's Love
to ascend in my heart. 

My heart ripples
the reflections of His Love learning to be
guided by the Holy Spirit upon His hills,
rather than mine; upon His Fountains,
rather than mine.

I drink in moments of stillness and Peace,
I ascend and arise in dependence of His
Resurrection and my self righteousness seems
to grow dim in the shining of His Face in the Light
of Righteousness.

My eyes are opened to see His Gardens
My eyes are opened to see His Beauty
walking in the Light of the favor of His smile.

He gives me Bread to eat;
He gives me Wine to drink;
in the Light of Righteousness
the Father shines the Face of Jesus.

Me into Him,
Him into me,
I long for fullness of the Clouds of
Righteousness to be a Chariot
filling me, surrounding me, in the
the Light of Righteousness.

Psalm 97:11
11 Light is sown on the righteous, gladness on the upright in heart. 12 Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones, and praise His holy name.

In the Garden of Renown, hidden in His heart,
Sister Lara


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

We are here to serve you, 

Sister Lara 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Yielded and Filled in Righteousness Gods Rest and Righteousness Devotional


~~I Yield and I am Filled in Righteousness~~
~~I Rest in Peace and Righteousness~~
~~My Season is Sabbath Rest~~

"In the reflection of the Righteousness of God I am known as I am seen, created in waters of Righteousness, beholding the image... that the Holy Spirit has created me to be."

Hosea 10:12
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

Isaiah 32:17
And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

Proverbs 21:21
He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara

This is a public post to share

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...