Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Prophecy and Prayer Scroll and Key Series I Will Put Enmity Between You and Your Situation

Prophecy and Prayer Scroll and Key Series

I Will Put Enmity Between You and Your Situation 

Prophecy and Prayer Scroll and Key Series I Will Put Enmity Between You and Your Seed Forever

Galatians 4

3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

4 But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Genesis 3:15 

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.


**To Listen and Read Scroll Down to "Scripture Reflections" highlighted in yellow.

Your Life is a Book of Prophecies

There are many people in the Body of Christ who desire to learn how to prophesy to their situation.  We have been learning in our Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group on Facebook that everyone has a book written about their lives, and how to open that book.  Here, from the Book of Psalm 139 the word book means, "Book of prophecies" as one of the descriptions given in the original Hebrew.  If everything that is written about our lives is a "Book of prophecies" then every person must learn to prophesy. For that reason God is raising up Seer Disciples in our midst and I have been teaching "How to See in the Spirit" as a means of opening the book of our lives through the meditation of God's Word based upon Proverbs 4.  It is during this time each person has been learning how to "See Jesus in their meditation of God's Word" and in our first week several have seen Jesus more than once. 

Video's of the Holy Spirit in Visions

Seeing Jesus in visions is vital to opening the Book of Prophecies in your life to reveal God's destiny in our life because "Jesus is the Spirit and Testimony of Prophecy."  Everything in your life when revealed bears witness to "The Spirit and Testimony of Jesus."  Every Scripture in God's Word is a "Video" waiting to be revealed before your eyes because the Word of God is Life.  I have been living this for many years and began to discover this over thirty years ago in the early years of my Pastorate.  Jesus said in John 3 to Nicodemus, "If you are born again you can see into the kingdom."  This word see comes from the Latin word Video.  What is seen you speak into being or bring from heaven into the earth.  This type of commanding is a type of prayer gives a call to action of a Seer Disciple, to prophesy, or "Release the Spirit and Testimony of Jesus" into your situation. 

Everyone can see.  Everyone can prophesy. Isn't that good news? So, in this series of writings I am writing for you we are going to go through the Book of Genesis through Revelation and study prophecies in the Bible and how Jesus fulfilled them.  We will also personalize each one to allow you to release them into your situation.   The label on this page to find them is "Prophecy and Prayer Releasing the Spirit and Testimony of Jesus" where they will all be found.  So, thank you for subscribing to this if you are listening to it in audio, watching on video, or reading it on a blog, or even in one of the books I have authored subscriptions. 

**I got this information from the back of my strong's concordance in the timeline.  This is a book I have used in my Pastoral studies for over 30 years. 

Scripture Reflections for Today 

In today's Scripture reflection we go back to the Garden of Eden and see the Life of Eve and the conversation she had with the Father.  Here, the Father saw that she was deceived by the serpent and the result of her actions to every generation of sorrow. 

Fact of the matter is, "Every one can identify with what happened to Eve.  Everyone has done something they should not have done and have reaped the rewards of wrong doing."  However, God had a plan and His plans are always brilliant! 

1. God responded by prophesying: To prophesy is to reveal what He will do through Christ Jesus, which is the Spirit and Testimony of Jesus. What is in your life today that you want to see God move in, through Christ Jesus?  

2.  God said "He will put enmity between Eve and the serpent."  At the same time, God said, "I will put enmity between your seed and every seed of your seed."  

What is enmity? Enmity represents the idea of causing hostility of mind in the source that caused deception.   In modern day terms, "God created the serpents mind to be hostile against himself." 

What are your thoughts?  

3. God continued in His prophecies: God said, "This will be between your seed and the woman's seed." 

When we learn one of the meanings of the word seed we learn this represents, "A practitioner of Rest and Righteousness."  In modern day terms, "God's Rest and Righteousness will dwell between both parties.  To one His Rest and Righteousness will reveal His kingdom with peace and joy.  To the other, God's rest and righteousness will constantly stir hatred in the enemies mind and the workers in the enemies mind that is sent against the woman.

Lexicon :: Strong's H2233 - zera`

What are your thoughts?

What is interesting to me is that when God put "A practitioner of Rest and Righteousness" in motion there is a root word to Strong's H2233-zera that makes this even more interesting.  The idea is, "What ever has been planted against you I will not only stir up hatred in the mind and workers in their own minds in great hostility against them but I will stretch out my right arm and sow and dispense my seed of Rest and Righteousness in the pathways and passageways in which they came." 

Lexicon :: Strong's H2232 - zara`

to scatter seed, to sow, to expand, dispense, to become pregnant 

Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon 
an arm spand to reach out and attack violently by planting and dispensing more seed ; to sow wheat; a field sown.

What are your thoughts? 

4. God continued in His prophecies: Lastly, God said, "I will bruise the head and the heel of the enemy."  Not only would God overtake the workers of the serpent and the serpent itself with hostility of mind, but now God will "Bruise the head." 

In modern times, "God will crush the head (Which is the word r`osh) by violently shaking the head of the serpent and workers. 

As well, God will "Bruise the heel" or, in modern times, "I will see your tracks behind you as I come from behind and snatch your heels and over throw you." 

Lexicon :: Strong's H6117 - `aqab

What are your thoughts? 

Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon 
the taking of the heel in order to made arch up in order to thrown down. 

What are your thoughts? 


Summary Thoughts:

So, as you can see there is a lot that a people that are missing out when they do not prophesy into their situations.  However, the basis and foundation of every prophecy is "The Spirit and Testimony of Jesus" which is "To be a Practitioner God's Rest and Righteousness."  Jesus came to reveal the Father, He did not come to reveal Himself.  The Person's role to reveal Jesus is the Holy Spirit and it is the mind of the Father who instructs the Holy Spirit how to reveal Jesus to the Redeemed through revelation. 

If we are learning to see in the Spirit, or walk in Spiritual Sight, through the meditation of God's Word we grow to understand that every word is a video to prophesy.   As we do, the Father gives light to reveal Jesus and the Holy Spirit takes of Jesus where the light is revealed to show that part of Jesus to us.  Here, it is the Father who works through Christ Jesus to reveal to every Seer disciple His foundation of Rest and Righteousness.

In like manner learning to prophesy is understanding the desire of the Father's will that He commanded into being.  Here, we learned that "God would establish His foundation between the work of the serpent and the workers of the serpent with His Rest and Righteousness, revealed through Christ Jesus in the lost art of the finished works of the cross." 

For that reason pure prophecy is what God commanded through His Word which is His plan and purpose and how God accomplished this through His Rest (Dominion) and Righteousness (Dominion Harvested) through Christ Jesus (The Seed dispersed and sown) into every situation. 

In this particular situation God fulfilled this command or prophecy through Christ Jesus as written in Galatians 4, which is our first Scripture at the top of this post.  

Activation Increase:

1. What situation in your life can you move from the stance of prayer, to prophecy,  as a call to action? Why?


2. If there is more than one, write them down.


3. Personalize Genesis 3:15 into your situation. Write the Scripture with your area of need to prophecy into.  

*Hint: You are building the foundation of God's Rest and Righteousness to reveal the Spirit and Testimony of Jesus against Satan and his workers--not people.  

4. Prophesy into your situation being led of the Spirit.

5.  Speak Galatians 4 into your situation.

Seer Disciple Bonus: 

1.  Meditate upon Galatians 4 and write down what Scripture(s) mean the most to you.

2.  Using the "Three Block Demonstration Drawing" I drew for you -based upon the School of the Seer in Abraham's Life, what do you see? 


Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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