Monday, August 24, 2020

Gods Rest Daily Prayer Devotional Born of Gods Faith in Prayer

Welcome to God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional

"Born of God's Faith" 

So, let me cut right to the chase.  What if I were to say to you, "You are born of God's faith?"  Look, when we died with Jesus and arose with Jesus (Romans 6) He was the Door and the Way for the Father to enter through and seek out every person and join them together with  Himself as One.

There is a reason why I left the faith movement as I know it. Everything I lived for, and everything I believed in was difficult because I was living on the outside of God's Rest & Righteousness.   
Frankly, when I say God's Rest & Righteousness I dare to believe different then most.  The sayings, "Have faith in God" or, "Have the faith of God" have been interpreted from the wrong perspective.  Look, nobody wants to come off as a "Know it all."  The fact of the matter is what I learned is different from what I used to think that it will take a few times to understand when you read this post what is different.  Did you notice the picture that is shown with this post says, "Born of God's Faith?"

So, let me cut right to the chase.  What if I were to say to you, "You are born of God's faith?"  Look, when we died with Jesus and arose with Jesus (Romans 6) He was the Door and the Way for the Father to enter through and seek out every person and join them together with  Himself as One. 

2 Corinthians 5 To wit, God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto Himself not imputing their trespasses against them but committing to them the word and ministry of reconciliation. 

Romans 6:4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

So, "Where do we go from here?"  When we acknowledge in our hearts that we are already one with our Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus we understand that we are now positioned to be infused and filled to all that He is.  To say that we are filled with all that He is helps us understand that we now walk in the fullness of God's ability from the receiving side of Life, the Life of abundance. 

"How can we apply this" in each of our lives?  This part takes some getting used to and rearranging of our thoughts and words. 

For example, I used to say "Father I come to you and ask for this or that" in prayer.  Now that I realize that I am born of His faith I go into God's Word and see that "God already said multiply" to my needs.  At the same time, "God already said be fruitful to my needs."  I can continue to say for many pages long that "God already did, and God already said" for anything in my life.   

So, now I have learned to speak to what I am desiring to come into my life and tell it, "___________ you have already been made One with God through the cross, and you have been made available for me to have.  I speak to you that God's Word cuts off all works of darkness from you to hide you from me and hinder you from me.  So, _______________ come in Jesus name."  Amen. 

To create using these types of call to actions are different because we are used to praying the old way. The word ask in prayer means to call for, or to demand for something due.
(Strong's G154) 

Yet, we have to understand that the only way we can have confidence in what we call forth in prayer is the foundation of God's Rest & Righteousness as evidence in our lives that every heart is joined together as One and God's Rest is living in our hearts.  For that reason, "We are now born of God and born of His ability--or, of His Faith" and so much more! 

Thank you for sharing in this post today, 
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Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today! 
Sister Lara 

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