Thursday, January 30, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional He Anoints My Head With Oil

He Anoints My Head With Oil

Thursday, January 30, 2020
10:04 PM

Psalm 23:5

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Sheep have such long noses, "Did you know they cannot
see far distance in front of them?" Sheep were created
to have long noses so they will learn to rely only upon
The Good Shepherd.  At the same way, "Sheep cannot
clean their own ears out or comb their own hair."
Field gnats lodge in the wool between the ears and
the sheep cannot clean their own ears.

That is why "Every sheep needs a Great Shepherd who
is Jesus." Here, we are told it is "Jesus who Anoints
our head with Oil." Beloved, "Did you know that Oil
is God's Rest?"

Here, Jesus is the Great Shepherd because "He gives direct supply to the Father's Rest when we are worried about our circumstances; worried about where the money Is going to come for that bill to be paid off; worried about a wayward son; a wayward daughter; worried about a healing needed in our body."
As we cast our cares upon the Lord, and leave them there, "He will Anoint our head with God's Rest." Not only will He Anoint our head with God's Rest over every concern but He will lead us into places of stillness and righteousness.
So, here is a secret to prayer. That secret is, "When you take and receive God's Rest through your Great Shepherd and bask In it--you are being set up by Jesus in stillness and quietness because Your answer is on the way!"

Now, that is Good News!

Let's Turn Our Hymnals to:

The Lord is My Shepherd
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;
He makes me down to lie
In pastures green; He leadeth me
The quiet waters by.
My soul He doth restore again,
And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of righteousness,
E’en for His own name’s sake.

Confession: Father, thank You that You already know I can't see far enough
down the road, or clean my own ears and you gave me a Good Shepherd in Jesus.
Praise You that He will Anoint my thoughts with Your Rest; Anoint My
cares with Your Rest; Anoint my worries with Your Rest. When I acknowledge
Your Rest Jesus will move me into a new place in my heart of stillness --and,
when that moment comes I have assurance my answer is on the Way. I choose
Your Oil and Rest today. In Jesus name.

Source: Sister Lara-God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotionals
Category: Daily Prayer Devotionals in This Page

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