Friday, January 31, 2020

God's Rest Daily Devotional Jesus our Forerunner

Jesus our Forerunner

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hebrews 6:20
Jesus has entered there on our behalf as a Forerunner

Walk with me before the Throne and let's take a sneak peek into the Prayer Life of Jesus as "Forerunner."
"Only Jesus sees what the Father is doing in secret, what the Father is saying in Secret and until the Father speaks to Jesus-directly, Jesus does nothing but watch and pray." Jesus never moves before the Father speaks.
Let me ask you, "Can you imagine Jesus return to get His Bride without the Father saying--GO?" That would be full chaos!
However, when the Father does answer your prayers, "Jesus sees the answer first" what the Father is doing in your life; and how the Father is going to answer. For this reason, "Jesus is our Forerunner" because all answered prayer is made by Jesus, framed by Jesus, and spoke into being by Jesus for us to receive.
Here, the word "Forerunner" means, "A lightly armed soldier, a scout." The fact of the matter, "Before you receive your promise of answered prayer--Jesus scouts out a place for you to receive. Jesus is an Armed Soldier clearing the path of all obstruction for you to receive, a quiet resting place for you to enjoy the Father."
It is in that "Quiet resting place that is prepared for you to receive your answer prayer; your dreams, your hopes, your desires" Jesus prepared for you--because He built it to please the Father and to give Him honor. So, learn to acknowledge your Heavenly Father's Rest living in you, and enjoy His Righteousness through Christ in you.
The reason you are waiting is "Jesus is Your Forerunner" and preparing for you every answered prayer, and every desire, "Large enough for you to receive and our Heavenly Father can delight in you." That is Good News!

Let us Turn Our Hymnals to:

I Come to the Garden Alone
And He walks with me and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am his own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known
2.He speaks, and the sound of his voice is so sweet
The birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He give to me
Within my heart is to ringing.
C. Austin Miles
In the Garden (1912 song)


Father, I acknowledge Your Rest in me today and give You praise that you show Jesus first everything You are doing in my life--as my Righteousness. Every prayer has been made Righteous, every desire You are wonderfully creating and Jesus is creating a place for me to receive Your best for me; Your desires for me; Your delights for me. I praise You Father the answer is being scouted out by Jesus in the Secret Place. In Jesus name, Amen!

Source-Sister Lara, God's Rest Daily Devotionals
Category: God's Rest Devotionals of These Pages

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional He Anoints My Head With Oil

He Anoints My Head With Oil

Thursday, January 30, 2020
10:04 PM

Psalm 23:5

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Sheep have such long noses, "Did you know they cannot
see far distance in front of them?" Sheep were created
to have long noses so they will learn to rely only upon
The Good Shepherd.  At the same way, "Sheep cannot
clean their own ears out or comb their own hair."
Field gnats lodge in the wool between the ears and
the sheep cannot clean their own ears.

That is why "Every sheep needs a Great Shepherd who
is Jesus." Here, we are told it is "Jesus who Anoints
our head with Oil." Beloved, "Did you know that Oil
is God's Rest?"

Here, Jesus is the Great Shepherd because "He gives direct supply to the Father's Rest when we are worried about our circumstances; worried about where the money Is going to come for that bill to be paid off; worried about a wayward son; a wayward daughter; worried about a healing needed in our body."
As we cast our cares upon the Lord, and leave them there, "He will Anoint our head with God's Rest." Not only will He Anoint our head with God's Rest over every concern but He will lead us into places of stillness and righteousness.
So, here is a secret to prayer. That secret is, "When you take and receive God's Rest through your Great Shepherd and bask In it--you are being set up by Jesus in stillness and quietness because Your answer is on the way!"

Now, that is Good News!

Let's Turn Our Hymnals to:

The Lord is My Shepherd
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;
He makes me down to lie
In pastures green; He leadeth me
The quiet waters by.
My soul He doth restore again,
And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of righteousness,
E’en for His own name’s sake.

Confession: Father, thank You that You already know I can't see far enough
down the road, or clean my own ears and you gave me a Good Shepherd in Jesus.
Praise You that He will Anoint my thoughts with Your Rest; Anoint My
cares with Your Rest; Anoint my worries with Your Rest. When I acknowledge
Your Rest Jesus will move me into a new place in my heart of stillness --and,
when that moment comes I have assurance my answer is on the Way. I choose
Your Oil and Rest today. In Jesus name.

Source: Sister Lara-God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotionals
Category: Daily Prayer Devotionals in This Page

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Saturday, January 25, 2020

God's Rest Daily Devotional Before Your Face The Habitation of God's Throne

God's Rest Devotional
"Before Your Face"
January 22, 2020
Psalm 89:14
Justice and judgement are the habitation of thy throne: Mercy and truth shall go before thy face.

God's Throne is a place where His Rest expands and begins to cover the earth through Righteousness and the Resurrection--known as Justice and we have been speaking of this the past year.

Take a look at the second part of this Scripture, "Mercy and Truth" shall go before thy face. First, notice Mercy and Truth are not the habitation of God's Throne. However, what Mercy reveals is something so striking it will be a first for us all. Mercy --yes, is goodness and faithfulness, but as you study the root word we read:
חָסַד châçad, khaw-
a primitive root properly, to bow the neck only

So, we begin to see movement of God from His Throne, "Acknowledging--by looking upon, whom He looks down to." If you ain't shouting there is something wrong with you on that one. Living from God's Throne is so different from approaching His Throne isn't it? Now, watch this--lean in a little closer will you?
Now, Truth is different from Mercy. We established the "Action of God through Mercy" so let us ask ourselves "What is God's Action through Truth?" Here, Truth means to establish security and safety to reveal faithfulness.
However, the root word
Strong's H539 - 'aman
אָמַן ʼâman, aw-man'; a primitive root; (Isaiah 30:21; interchangeable with H541, to go to the right hand)

So, let us put this all together shall we? Mercy is God's kindness and goodness that is revealed as a Heavenly Father "Acknowledging His children in tenderness, by bowing His Head and looking upon you" --Before His Face. While Truth is, "the Security and stability that He is holding you in His Right Arm of Righteousness" --Before His Face. Shout!
David said, "His Mercy! Endures forever. His Mercy! Endures forever." This touches my heart deeply because I have experienced visions of Jesus holding children in His right arm.

Let us turn our hymnals to:
Love lifted me!
Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me!
Written by James Rowe , 1912
(Did you notice the last name)

Confession: Father, today I acknowledge Your Rest in me and Your Love towards me. Look upon me always in Your Mercy and hold me forever in Truth, which is Your Right Arm of Righteousness. Keep me always as Your little child, "Before Your Face" in Jesus name. Amen.
Source: Sister Lara, God's Rest Daily Devotional
Category: Daily Devotionals, Foundation of Training in Righteousness Group


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Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara

Friday, January 24, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional The Spirit of God Moved

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional
The Spirit of God Moved
January 24, 2020

Genesis 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

How often I have read these Scriptures on the account of God's creation of the heaven's and the earth.  Each time I read them I realize how powerful God is to speak His thoughts, desires, wants, plans into existence.  In like manner, "As God's creation we all want to be like Him and operate like Him, do we not?"  This time, reading these Scriptures and meditating upon them wouldn't let my heart go and I simply asked, "Father, what is it you want me to learn today?"

"The Spirit of God Moved" was a thought I read time and time again, but, deep in my spirit being--that born again part of me I heard these words, "Did you notice My Rest moved upon My Desires?" I said to myself, "That's it ! You never do nothing without Your Rest."  As I studied the word "Moved" I found in the root word meaning, "To relax."  Hallelujah!

It would be appropriate to read, "I caused My Rest to move and expand over every thought; every plan; every desire before I spoke anything into being" on the face of the waters.  It was in the actions of "The Spirit of God Moving" of God's Rest that everything became One.

In like manner, Jesus is that place in which all of God dwells and without Him nothing was made or created.  Jesus understands the "High Calling of God" is the Rest of our Heavenly Father in Him, which was already accomplished through the finished works of the Cross.  For it was "God's Rest" that Jesus desired to restore to all that God created to reconcile mankind.  (2 Cor. 5:18-21)

In our daily prayer today, through our personal Secret Place, let us all be reminded that "To every desire in prayer the foundation of God's Rest must be able to occupy every thought; every plan; before we speak them into being--as an act of honoring God's High Call first, through Christ in us." 

Let us turn our hymnals to:
God, who made the earth and heaven,
Darkness and light:
You the day for work have given,
For rest the night.

Published in 1827

Confession: Heavenly Father, of joy Divine, before I speak cause me to allow Your Rest to occupy all my desires; all my thoughts; all the plans you have revealed to me.  Let Your Rest expand them before You as You must upon them all as they become One in You, through Christ our Righteousness in me.  In Jesus name. Amen

Source: Sister Lara-God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotionals


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Thursday, January 23, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional High Calling of God in Christ

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional
"The High Calling of God"
January 23, 2020
Philippians 3:14-15 King James Version (KJV)
14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
As a disciple of the finished works of God in Christ "We press towards the mark daily of the high calling of God." Here, every disciple understands that the mark is not a place to obtain, but "To live" as the perfect aim of our daily lives. Here, the word mark means to "Remain hidden in order to sink down."

It is through the finished works of God in Christ through the cross that we desire God's Rest to live in our hearts through Christ Jesus as our Door; through Christ Jesus as the Way.

It is in the High Call of God --which is His Rest that causes us as the Bride of Christ to remain One in God through Christ.

Let us turn our hymnals to: 

Pressing on! Pressing on!
Pressing on! Hallelujah for the prize
We’re pressing on! On and on!
  To gain the Christ of God!

Friedrich-Wilhelm Moller (1953)

Confession: I acknowledge my place of being hidden in God as my position of Rest. It is there that Jesus holds me in the proper position of Righteousness --as my Good Shepherd, so the Father can live through me and I can walk in the High Calling of God and His power daily. Like the old saying, "One day at time, sweet Jesus, that is all I am asking from Thee."

Source: Sister Lara -God's Rest Daily Devotions
Foundations of Training in Righteousness Group

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional Keep the Fire Burning

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional
"Keep the Fire Burning"
January 22, 2020

Leviticus 1:6
And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire:

In the Old Testament every priest had a responsibility to chop down enough wood to put it on the altar so "The Fire on the Altar" would never, ever, go out--day or night. It was the "Fire on the Altar" that consumed every burnt offering they had to offer. Let me ask you, "Can you imagine carrying around huge animals all day and putting wood on the altar to burn, so it will never go out?" Fact of the matter was, "If the fire went out you were discounted a Priest in your service unto God."

Of course, "The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross" was the Perfect sacrifice and the Father consumed His Love for mankind and His Son "By Fire!" It is written, God will be a "Wall of Fire" around us. (Zech. 2:5) Hallelujah!

"The Fiery Love of God would insulate all those who acknowledge God's Rest in their hearts, through Christ Jesus, and is a a Wall of Fire around us." However, as every believer lives in God's Rest and releases God's Word through Christ in us, "His Word goes through that Wall of Fire and becomes fiery spears of dominating potent prayer to consume our foes on every side." It is written "His Fire goes before us." (Psalm 97:3) We are seasoned to guard God's Rest in our hearts in powerful prayer as King's and Priests to keep the Fiery Love of God burning from the Blood Stained Wood of the Altar--the Cross, where the perfect Lamb was slain. Hallelujah!
No wonder every enemy of the finished works of God's Rest through Christ in us--wants us to keep our eyes on worry; sickness; disease; division; curses; opinions of what people think or say--more than our position of God's Rest in us through Christ as our Righteousness.

There is an old sacred hymn we used to sing, "Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet hour of prayer
That calls me from a world of care..."

Confession: Today I acknowledge God's Rest in me and that I am surrounded by a Wall of Fire and insulated in Righteousness, through Christ. I take from His Fire to bask in His Love and enforce & release the Fire from the Cross through Christ --by speaking God's Victories and Word into my situations in my day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Source: Sister Lara--God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotions

Foundations of Training in Righteousness Group


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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional We be Brethren

Helping God's people enforce the finished works of God in Christ through the Cross
God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotional
"We be Brethren"
January 21, 2020

Genesis 13:8
And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.

We all face those times in our lives, and some try everything they know to do to stop strife and fight for Peace.   Abraham was the Peace Maker in his family because he said to his nephew, "Between me and thee-don't let anything come between us." Interesting how Lot couldn't take that first initiative to speak up.  There is a reason why it is always you that steps up to desire God's Rest and not others.

We have all been there, "Done that! Have we not?"  Look a little closer?  Not only did Abraham not want strife between him and Lot but he already knew the outcome would show up through the livestock they had. Let me ask you, "Isn't that interesting that strife can do that?"   Abraham not only considered the cost of strife and the cost of his cattle but he also considered, "We be Brethren."

Here, the word "Brethren" was the real heart of the matter to Abraham as this word means to be united together as one as kinsman.  It would be appropriate to also say, "I pray thee--can we rest together in God's Rest?"  Let this be our highest prayer, "Even if it reveals the one who does not desire God's Rest must take their path of separation of self just like Lot.  It's not people they are separate from, it is God's Rest as One."  What shall we say then?

Let us turn our hymnals to:

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu Alleluia

Confession: Father today I acknowledge Your Rest in my life and with those in my family who desire strife.  May Your Rest remain upon my family; my home; my children; the work of my hands; and all the Grace You have given as One, and purchased through Your Dear Son. In Jesus name. Amen.

Source-Sister Lara-God's Rest Daily Prayer Devotionals
Windows of Heaven Prayer Group

Facebook Group: Foundations of Training in Righteousness


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Monday, January 20, 2020

Law of Life in Christ God's Rest Daily Devotional

God's Rest & Righteousness Devotional

"How Shall We?"
January 20, 2020

Romans 6:2

God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

As Paul was speaking to the Church of Rome he wanted to help them come into a place in their lives where they did more than talk about sin, curses, disease, daily repentance, what they did good, what they did bad,and more. In fact, the religious systems wanted to steal the ID of what was accomplished on Cross.

It seems as the conversation of the Christian Life has not changed much since this time and the question of the Apostle Paul is still relevant for today, which is, "How shall we?"

"How shall we come to a place where we are dead to sin and stop living there?" Here, the word dead means: the vital union and fellowship of sin is utterly destroyed. You see, dearly Beloved, "Through the cross every disciple already died with Christ--even in the same burial with Christ into the baptism of His death & resurrection." (Romans 6:3) It was there that we became one in God's Rest, vitally surrounded by God; filled with God; hidden in Christ. It is the Person of the Holy Spirit who daily teaches us to "Simply acknowledge God's Rest in our hearts, and minds FIRST" through Christ and everything else will come. There is an old song that says, "Love lifted me, Love lifted me, when nothing else could help! Love lifted me."

Confession: I acknowledge God's Rest in me today, through Christ as my Way in all. I choose to allow God's Rest in my family; in my conversations; in my work; be first in every thing I do today, in Jesus name.

Source: Sister Lara-God's Rest Devotions

Audio Podcast

Facebook Group: Foundations of Training in Righteousness
Facebook Page: Foundations of Training in Righteousness 
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Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today, 
Sister Lara 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Free From Every Curse God's Rest Daily Devotional

God's Rest & Righteousness Devotional

"Free From Every Curse"
January 17, 2020

Galatians 3 (NLT)
13 But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

Every person who walks in the Spirit of Sonship in God understands that the highest call of a disciple of the cross is "The High Call of God's Rest in Christ."  It is the finished works of the violent death of Christ that destroyed the power of sin; sickness; disease; and every curse.  The word curse means, "To be empowered to become."

Dearly Beloved, "Is not the Substitution work of Christ enough for every weary soul to enforce the finished works of the death of Christ to remain in our position of God's Rest through Christ in us--to live as One?" Let us not be bewitched to say, or ponder, "The blood of Jesus and the infilling of Life in the quickening work of the Spirit is not enough" less we hang on a tree in self righteousness and fully bypass the Rest and Righteousness of God in Christ to "Save ourselves" of from what has already been accomplished on through the cross. It is finished!  The cross is enough.

Confession: I acknowledge my place of being hidden in God as my position of Rest.  I am upheld in Christ so that the Life of God and His power can live through me to be an  Over Comer of Life in the Spirit. God's Rest is all the power I ever need to cause me to live Life out of the Resurrection of Jesus in the Righteousness of who He is.  It is finished !

Source: Sister Lara-God's Rest Devotions

Audio Podcast

Facebook Group: Foundations of Training in Righteousness
Facebook Page: Foundations of Training in Righteousness 

Slide Show Picture Scripture Devotional:

Enjoy what we have prepared for you today, here too!

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Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today, 
Sister Lara 

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...