Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries | Living a Life Beyond the Veil -Covenant With God With Sister Lara, Since 2003
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Spirit Mind Covenant Oneness Prayer of Rest Ex 34 v 1
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Covenant Oneness Meditation Psalm 91 v 1
Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations
2. Inwardly acknowledge the Father's Love is already in you: flowing freely from head to toe being deposited INto Christ Jesus and into your body. This is Covenant. The Father's Love flowing through Covenant elements of Jesus through His Sacrifices that He became INto your body. [1 min]
3. Delight in the expanding Love of the Father acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit outside of you, "Taking from the Father's Love [Oneness] through the Covenant elements of the Sacrifices of Jesus [Covenant] and hidding you on the outside of the Banner of the Love-Life of the Father in Covenant Oneness. "
4. Discernment in Covenant Oneness--As you practice the acknowledgement of the Father's Love acknowledge the Covenant Elements of the Sacrifices that Jesus became are upholding you in blood, water, and Spirit. [1 John 5] These elements are what the Holy Spirit looks for to do the work of the Father's Love: these three bear record on earth as it is in heaven. [5 mins]
5.Spiritual Sight Activation in Covenant Oneness--As you acknowledge the Love of the Father in Oneness through the Covenant Elements of Jesus look for vision [the Light of Righteousness of the Father's Love being deposited into Christ Jesus and into your body]: movement of colors, videos appearing in your Spiritual Sight looking unto Jesus. Keep it simple, allow the Father's Love to be your first Love inwardly and learn to look. [5 mins]
6.Slowly open your eyes and say outloud Psalm 91:1. Then before you leave this place use this confession to personalize in your own way.
7.The Father's Love is continually flowing through me in Covenant Oneness, all day long. I am hidden in the Father's Love and His Love abides in me continually being deposited INto Christ in my body. I am hidden all day long under the Banner of Love and I walk in rest and righteousness in the Father's Love.
**Request your free Sermon Book
Reconciled Unto God to Live in Covenant 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
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Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
The Spirit Mind Frequencies of Love
Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations
The Spirit Mind is a Covenant Oneness Mind where the frequency of the Mind is Love. You are created in the beauty of Oneness inside the Father as the Father's redeemed inheritance.
The frequency of the Spirit Mind is Love: the Father's Love molds, shapes, carves, hew's out, Christ Jesus seated on His Throne with you--as a joint-heir in the wonderful world of the kingdom in you. This invisible work of Holy Frequency is by the Father's expanding Love.
This Love is ever flowing through the elements of the Sacrifices of Jesus in blood, water, INTO your body and OUTside your body in overflow by the Father's Love. Here, the Holy Spirit takes this invisible work of the Father's Love and causes what is in you, to appear outside of you.
You do not become what you behold you become what is carved in you in Covenant Oneness by the Love of the Father.~~ Sister Lara
Romans 12:1,2; 1 Cor. 2:14-16; Phil. 2:5; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Peter 1:13
***Excerpt from Free Sermon Book in Newsletter
The Heart of Covenant The Perfect Heart -Techniques to Practice
"Go tell My people Jesus is coming much sooner than they think. Teach My people My Rest [Covenant Oneness]." The Father to Sister Lara
Love to hear your comments below how you personalized this template to bless your day and how you are growing in the Father's Love. 🙌🥰👇✍️
Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
Covenant Oneness Meditations Psalm 23 v 1
Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations
Every desire you have is already joined with you in Oneness in the Storehouse of the Father's Love, where you have been reconciled. As you acknowlege the Father's Love being joined with desire, it is Love that opens the Way to deposit INto Christ in you with desire as your Good Shepherd in Covenant Oneness.
INto Christ, and INto your body your request has been given. The Lord is your Good Shepherd you shall not lack anything. This is the place for you to receive , but it is the Holy Spirit that takes FOR you bringing all desire out of you from the Father to appear in your life.
As you delight in the Father's Love His Love expands in Oneness through the Covenant elements of the Sacrifices of Jesus: blood, water, Spirit. That's when the Holy Spirit takes your desire and causes it to appear from the hands of the Father to you in Covenant Oneness.
I delight in the Father's Live where all desire is already joined and provided for. Jesus is my Good Shepherd who is the Way for me to recieve into my body. I delight in the Father's Love and the Holy Spirit takes and gives me all thins in Covenant Oneness.
My greatest joy is not teaching you the Bible [which is a close first place] but helping you bring out of you what you already have.
Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
Kindly request our free Sermon Booklet
Reconciled Unto God to Live in Covenant 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Sharing God's Dream Together,
Sister Lara
The Spirit Mind and Covenant Oneness P2
1.Find a place to relax. [5 secs]
Acknowledge you are already housed in the Father's Love in your Spirit Mind. [2 secs] [Oneness]
2.Just as Moses parted the Red Sea and he held up his rod "You will now hold up your rod, the acknowledgement of your position of Covenant Oneness in the Father being deposited INto Christ in you." The Father's Love flows freely in the Covenant waters of the Red Sea: blood, water, and Spirit from Christ Jesus INTO your Spirit Mind filling your body in overflow. Intentionally visualize and acknowledge through Ex. 14:14 [5 mins]
3.You do not have battle. You do not have to bind or loose negative events of the day. The Lord fights for you by "Feeding Upon" [the meaning of fight] the Father's Love. Just as the Lord feeds on the Father's Love, you increase in Covenant Oneness in the Spirit Mind through the frequency of Love. Let Love part the Way to become dry ground in your body, to fill you to overflow in the Red Seas of Covenant Love in Oneness drawning everything; overthrowing everything that is external while you remain housed in Love in Rest and Righteousness. [5 mins]
4.Allow the Holy Spirit to take of the Father's Love, while you delight in your First Love to expand outside of you to hide you under the Banner of the Red Sea Covenant Waters of the Father's Love in Oneness: into your room you are sitting, into your home, over your land, your commute for the day, over your city, over your state, over your nation. The Father's Love is Eternal and never ending enjoined in the Covenant Waters of the Red Sea. As the waters cover the earth so shall the Covenant Waters in Oneness. Enlarge your stakes! Spare Not! Fill the earth to awake! [10 mins]
5.Grow in Worship and Spiritual Sight: Love washing your eyes in Rest and Righteousness in the Light of Life. Look for movement, look for colors, look for the Holy Spirit forming a vision to see Jesus as your Vision through Ex. 14:14. **This is not a minds eye vision, but a video before your eyes. [10 mins]
6.Grow in Discernment: Love is the organ of discernment and frequency of Truth. Three things bear record at all times and record every deed: blood, water, and Spirit. The Spirit only takes from the Father through Christ and His elements and they are one. Intentionally and Purposefully visualize and acknowledge. This is your Spiritual meat. [10 mins]
7.Slowly open your eyes saying, "The Love of the Father flows freely INto Christ in me and is filling the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. Jesus fights all my battles feeding upon the Father's Love for me while the Holy Spirit takes of the Father in righteousness and justice in every area of my life in Covenant Oneness. [2 mins]
**Excerpt from my free Sermon Book
The Heart of Covenant The Perfect Heart Techniques to Practice
**New: The Spirit Mind of Covenant Oneness The Lord Will Fight for You [A journey of Covenant Oneness taken from Exodus 14]
Teaching the Bible is great and I love to do that. "But helping you bring the Living Bible out of you is my greatest joy."
Kindly leave your comments how you personalized this template in the comments below. I would love to hear how this blessed you, and what you experienced and how you plan to use this template in your every day life.
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Freely we receive and freely we give.
Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
The Spirit Mind for Healing of Emotions
Label-Blood Covenant and Emotional Healing
Your mind is a gift that is beautifully and wonderfully made, in the humble feeding trough of the Father's Oneness of Love.
The Light of His Righteousness shines upon you. You are never out of His sight and you are already joined back unto Him in His Love.
Your mind does not have to battle. Your mind does not have to be bruised from trauma, the Lord will fight for you. How does the Lord do battle? Here, the word fight means--to feed upon. What does the Lord feed upon? The Lord feeds upon the Father's Love to give to you through the Sacrifices that He became.
As you feed with Him in Oneness of the Father's Love, the elements in His Sacrifices: blood, water, Spirit remove and wash away in the Love-Fountains of the Father. These Fountains of the Father's Love are filled with the roar of His water spouts of Covenant Oneness filling every trench, every lodging place inwardly, while you feed upon One Covenant Love.
I acknowledge that I am hidden in the Father's Love and the Fountains of His Love I feed upon with Christ in me. The Lord battles on my behalf through the elements of His Sacrifices of Blood, water and Spirit. In One Love I am perfectly postioned and hidden. In Covenant my Spirit Mind is upheld in the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus through blood, water, and Spirit.
Religious Union that is external suggests to go many routes outside of the Spirit Mind of Covenant Oneness. Yet, the Spirit only testifies of the Father's Love through the elements of Covenant. Oh! May the tables be flipped and transfigured in the Spirit mind of the Body of Christ into Fountains of Love in Covenant Oneness.
Ro. 15:6; 2 Cor 13:11; 2 Tim. 1:7
*Excerpt from my free Sermon Book
The Spirit Mind for Healing of Emotions and Techniques
Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Covenant Oneness Meditations Psalm 91 P2
- Five insights to what meditation is and it's importance from a Covenant Oneness point of view.
- Learn the difference between Oneness and Covenant.
- Steps of Meditation to practice template to personalize your Secret Place.
- Free Sermon Book "Reconciled Unto God to Live in Covenant 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Spirit Mind Covenant Oneness Prayer of Rest Ex 34 v 1
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