Saturday, April 6, 2024

Inward Union of Gods Covenant Love Union Gems of Rest

Foundations of Covenant-Union Gems of Covenant

Thoughts are like pots, they are containers that  are in need to be filled with God's Love.

For this reason the Father desires to fill the disciple inwardly with Love, through Christ in you so that the Fountains of Love-Life can change every thought from water [an element of Covenant], into Covenant-Wine.[Blood an element of Covenant].

Mary was at the wedding Feast there was no wine [symbol of Blood Covenant] in the pots and asked Jesus to change the water into Wine at the Feast of Canaan.

It is when the disciple acknowledges throughout the day, that thoughts that are good or bad must be filled with the transfiguring work of the pouring out of the Love of God to fill each thought inwardly that they are overshadowed by God outwardly:God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

It is in these outward waters of Covenant that the disciple learns to walk in the Spirit of Life in the Kingdom of God continually washed in the free course of Eternal Love-Rivers of Covenant.

Empty thoughts [incorruptible] or good thoughts [corruptible] are gifts to the Father. Oh, dear disciple of Covenant give all these thought-pots to the Father as gifts and watch the Divine Union of pure Love by  inward Union of God-the Trinity begin to fill you in fullness in your whole being.

This is the pure means of seeking Divine Union and Harmony of the Kingdom of God, first. Your whole being has been purchased and reconciled in the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus, so that you live behind the Veil of the Covenant Body of Jesus to be filled with Love.

Faith works by Love and a disciple of Covenant lives by the inward work of the Father's Faith to work inward miracles all day long, bringing rest and righteousness changing the tributaries of thought-pots into Divine Wine of Blood Covenant.  

Grace works by Love to recognize the Righteous need to be filled by God the Trinity in Inward Love.

Faith works by Love to bring inward transformation of fulness to overshadow the disciple in fullness outwardly [pure reigning in rest and righteousness] with Love-Power and authority. Oh how the disciple drinks from the Father's Love in confidence and unwavering assurance!

Oh! How the disciple understands how Jesus thirsts to fill His Body: the Redeemed Inherited Church with Rivers of the Father's Love on earth as it is in heaven to Ho! COME and DRINK!!

Messengers of Covenant are arising, like Mary, there is a Wedding of Canaan. The Master of Covenant has saved the best Love-Wine for THOUGHT-Pots to be inwardly Filled!!

Confession: My thoughts are precious pots of cargo that are continually being hovered over by Love-Grace of the Father to fill me with His works of Faith and substance inwardly in Love-Wine Divine.  Christ in me is transfiguring me in Blood Covenant, one pot at a time. Today is the day of multiplication. Today is the day of Increase. Today is the day of Rest and Authority in Love Divine. Today is the Day of being overshadowed inwardly and filled in Love Divine from water into Covenant-Wine on earth [outside of the pot]  as it is in heaven [inside the pot where the deposit of the fullness of God dwells to grow up into maturity ] in the Adoption of Love.

Recommended Studies: 

Coming Soon-Awake to Righteousness Helping Disciples Be Established in Righteousness and Awake in God [Free 60-page Study Companion Booklet, Video Teachings, Printable Study Notes.)

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara


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