Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Covenant Mind of God The Tabernacle of Moses

Label-The Tabernacle and the Life of Moses

The Tabernacle of Moses is a blueprint of God-the Trinity and is perfectly joined in Divine Union and Harmony with our minds in redemption. 

It is not to be interpreted as spirit, soul, and body but as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Daily the focus of the disciple meditates upon the anchoring of each article in the Tabernacle from the viewpoint of Covenant-- in their minds, God is with them.

The Tabernacle is twofold:

The First Section is the Sanctuary which consists of the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place. As the Lord told Moses, He would inscribe His Word and Voice upon the minds and inner parts in Blood Covenant. This Divine Union, through Blood, would cause the Lord's creation to be His Kingdom and His Kingdom will be a peculiar people. Every article in The Sanctuary is a dwelling place of the God-Head revealing the plan of redemption in Divine Union from outside of Covenant [the encampment of the 12 Tribes of Israel] to the inside vitally joined in Blood Covenant in Rest and Righteousness. The mind does not need to be rewired, and is not a battlefield needing deliverance but is a place that is beautifully and wonderfully designed and anchored in Divine Union and Harmony with God the Trinity 

The Outer Court 

The Second Section of the Mind of God is the Courtyard represented as the Covenant that the Lord made with Abraham in the circumcision of the flesh that is cut in Covenant. In God-the Trinity a disciple has been baptized into God-the Trinity through Jesus as the Door to Covenant through His Sacrifices of Righteousness. The flesh has already been destroyed and the power of the flesh and the disciple is no longer known after the flesh but in God-the Trinity in the New Creation in Covenant.

The Mission of Ambassadors:

The Mind of God-the Trinity in the disciple is the mission of the 5-fold ministry and every member of the Body of Jesus to be Ambassadors of Divine Union and Harmony with the God-Head through the Covenant Door Life of the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus that the Father brought each disciple through by His own hands to redeem His inheritance in Blood, water, and, Spirit-the Trinity. [2Cor. 5:17-21]

Just as the waters cover the earth so shall the Covenant fill the Church as the greatest days of glory [the joining in Divine Union and Harmony in the God-Head in Blood and water and Spirit] yet to come in the revelation of God-the Trinity with us in Divine Union and Harmony in Covenant.

Sister Lara has written many study companion booklets on the topic of Covenant these past four years and will continue in "Increase of Covenant" in the upcoming year. 

The Door was already opened before the foundations of the earth who is, and was, and forever will be Christ Jesus as the Way of the work of the Father to redeem His inheritance back unto Himself through Sacrifices of Righteousness and Rest that Jesus became in the lost art of Calvary.

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness About Sister Lara | 

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