Sunday, May 16, 2021

Rivers of Gods Rest Four Insights Why We Draw From Gods Rest Parable of the Vineyard


Rivers of Gods Rest Four Insights Why We Draw From Gods Rest Parable of the Vineyard 

Scripture Reference 
Matthew 20:1-16 

For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.

In today's time together we learn about the prophetic parable of the "Vineyard Owner Needing Workers for His Vineyard."  It is during this time we see the Vineyard Owner go forth to find workers and hire them in different times of the day.  As the Owner returns He sees how they work and at the end of the day He pays their agreed wages. 

Prophetic Parable Insights: 

1. The Owner of the Vineyard: A symbol of Jesus Body and how the Father gives Life to draw from to learn Rest as their supply for all matters in Life. 

2. People Hired in the  Vineyard: A symbol of the Body of Christ to be employed to learn to minister to the Lord Himself by learning to draw from the Father's Rest through Jesus Body.
3. Wages Earned in Daily Employment: As the workers of the Vineyard minister to the Lord the Father will reward each worker (Not with a penny in which they all got) with their wages.  Here, we learn that the wages due are rewards of the Fruits of Union in Righteousness: Fruits of the Spirit.
  • As the Father watches over the Vineyard He sees who ministers to the Lord with a pure heart. His rewards are Fruits of Union in Righteousness (Fruits of the Spirit) that He personally gives to the workers for a two-fold meaning.  
  • The first is, "The Father Loves the Son."  The Father rewards the workers with the revelation of His Love for the Son and gives of His Divine Chambers of Love to the workers to give to Jesus for healing to the Body of Jesus.  
  • Secondly, to learn of the Father's Love for the workers that represent the Body of Jesus-as their wages due. Here, the workers take of the Father's Love and minister to the Body of Jesus the Father's Love for the Son and the Father's Love for their own lives.
4. How the Father Nourishes the Vineyard and the Workers: Here, as the Father rewards those who work in the Vineyard the Holy Spirit waits for the Father to give out rewards, or their wages due.  It is there the Holy Spirit will begin to brood over what the Father has given in the Body of Jesus (The Vineyard) and create those Fruits of Union to open and fill the workers heart --the Living Temple of the Body of Jesus with the Blood Covenant of God's Rest  and Righteousness through Jesus--the Vineyard. Hallelujah! 

  • Where the Blood Covenant of Gods Rest & Righteousness is filling the Temple the workers learn to be participants to drink of of the Life of the Resurrection of God's Life through Christ Jesus in the Indwelling of Fullness of the God-Head: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son. 
  • Where the Blood Covenant of Gods Rest & Righteousness is the Father gives Light -only where the Blood Covenant is so that Jesus will rise in Healing as the Head over His Body to give strength to His Body in heavenly places and in the earth.  Here, our Heavenly Bridegroom and Bride are One seen coming down out of Heavenly Places into the earth--a full Vineyard full of precious Portals of Union for Great Harvest and Awakening. 

Now Our Main Feature
Sunday Live Archive 


In your own words journal what you would like to learn from God on the topic of Righteousness and Rest and why??

1. What is our Scripture for today? 


2. Personal your own prayer how you are available to work in the Vineyard today.  What would it be? 


3. Describe your heart to God why you want to learn to draw from His Rest through Jesus (The Vineyard) 

4. Describe your heart to God how you desire to receive your reward of the revelation of His Love for Jesus and you, during your time of drawing from His presence.  Why is this important to you? 

5. What are your thoughts of the work of the Holy Spirit as you minister to Jesus, concerning the Blood Covenant of Rest & Righteousness filling the Body of Jesus (Temple) 

6. The purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal the Blood Covenant is for the Father to sow Light where the Blood Covenant is found indwelling for what reason that Sister Lara shared? What does this mean to you? 

How did you enjoy the fellowship after the teaching? 

How did you enjoy the communion service? 

How did you enjoy hearing the vision(s) of Sister Salome, Sister Chispita, Sister Maria? 

How did you enjoy hearing the words of encouragement from Sister Vat? 


Father, I acknowledge Your Rest in me this moment and draw from Your Rest so that I will be filled in Your presence to delight in You.  Thank You for Your reward of Love that I might be Your Vineyard to commune in fullness of who You are in Blood Wine Commune through the Spirit and Testimony of Jesus.  Amen. 


  • To grow in Foundations of Gods Rest & Righteousness for Beginners, click here and start today.
  • For daily reflections of basic foundations of Gods Rest, click here.
  • To engage in small voice activations in a group setting on Mewe click here
  • To join in Rivers of Gods Rest Facebook Group, click here. 

Thank you for participating today, 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 

Sister Lara 

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