Sunday, February 23, 2025

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation


Covenant Oneness Meditation

Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations 

Click to listen to today's teaching

In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to help you meditate upon Psalm 91:1 from the viewpoint of Covenant Oneness. 

Write below 5 tips shared in video.


Also, Sister Lara shares 4 important insights to the purpose of Meditation.  What are these insights and why are they important to you? 


About today's Sermon Book , Click here. 
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Kindly share your testimonies below in the comment section on how this time together was a blessing to you.  Kindly share how you were able to personalize these steps and what you learned about Covenant Oneness today. 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
Sister Lara 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Six Steps to Desire Fulfilled


Six Steps to Desire Fulfilled 

Label-Union Gems of Gods Rest 

It's not always easy to understand what our purpose is in the earth.  However, as we learn to grow in our daily walk with God from a Covenant view it is here we must learn that God's Love is the compass for all things.  In today's Scripture we read, "The riches of the Father's Love supplies all things."  Phillipians 4:19 

In today's time together I would like to share with you "Six Steps to Desire Fulfilled" in your life.  As you listen to the podcast I have each step written below for you. 

Scripture Reflections: 
2 Corinthians 5:17-21; 1 Corinthians 13

1. Acknowledge the Father's Love is understanding where to begin
2. Your desire is already joined in the Father's Love 
3.  Allow the Father's Love to expand INto Christ through you 
4.  Be intentional to visualize 
5. The Holy Spirit bears witness to three things in order to give to you every desire, learn what they are
6. How can you practice these daily in your life in order to live in the end of a desire fulfilled 

I would love to hear your testimonies how this blessed your day, and how these worked in your life. 
Let me know where you are listening from and kindly follow and subscribe to this blog. 

Good day! 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Pharaoh's Dream and the River

 Pharaoh's Dream and the River 

"Helping Disciples of Covenant Live Life in the Kingdom From Within"

The Transfigured Mind-Living From the Kingdom of God Within (Covenant Gems)

I was writing a chapter yesterday called, Pharaoh and the River from the Book of Exodus 41.  In Pharaoh's dream he dreamt of a River of seven kine [or Bulls]: seven were healthy and seven were lean.
Interesting how Pharaoh was taught by God in several dreams how to sanctify the heart and mind of himself, and a Nation.

Did you notice that the animals were bulls? Of course this represents the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus that He would become, through the lost art of the finished works of the cross. While the Love of the Father represented the River, this River would feed the seven fat bulls in nourishment and rest. This dream showed Pharaoh's condition of his mind: his mind was lean in the revelation of Covenant as King, by the lack of understanding that Righteousness exalts a Nation [Righteousness is translated as Covenant]. What Pharaoh wore on the inside [a lean mind of Transfigured Covenant] the condition of his world of influence as king was seen, and became on the outside.

He called for the magician's to interpret his dreams and they could not. Interestingly, the word magician's represent in the Hebrew those who inscribe on the heart: affections, desires, emotions, thoughts and more. You see, when a mind lacks the revelation of Transfiguration in Covenant the River of the Father's Love cannot fill the mind with presence, prosperity, and join the mind in the Resurrected Dominion inwardly and outwardly through the elements of the Sacrifices of Righteousness:blood, water, Spirit as represented through the Covenant Body of Jesus.

The magician's represent how the mind operates outside of Covenant that continually inscribes thoughts in the heart that are known as enchantments: condemnation, and all the voices of the flesh [Galatians 5]. Such a pity, those outside of Covenant are so quick to decree, declare, foretell against such activity in witty sayings outside themselves when the access of the River of the Father's Love is ready; willing; able; to Transfigure Inwardly the mind and heart through the joining of the Covenant Body Offerings of Jesus. Yes! Jesus became these Offerings through the cross to fulfill the Law of Righteous Covenant so that one heart at a time, one Nation at a time can be changed from leanness of soul in the strength and beauty of the Living Life of Transfiguration through  Covenant.

For that reason there needed to be a Joseph: who came from the pit  [the prison of Pharaoh's mind of self inflicted enchantment of rejection through lack of knowledge and skill in Transfigured Covenant in Righteousness and Rest] to the palace [a place where the Father's Love flows freely through the Covenant Body of Jesus on the outside in beauty and holiness].

Yes, Joseph taught the king and the nation how to rely on the storage places of abundance within the kingdom, and how to unlock them for total dependence upon.

The Garden of your mind and heart were created to have full access of the Rivers of Transfigured Love, through the Covenant Elements of the Body of Christ:blood, water, and Spirit Trinity. Allow the Father's Love to have access to your thoughts today whether good or bad [7 lean, 7 fat], to fill your being with His Love so that the enjoined Resurrected Dominion of Christ in you can be a path of the expansion of the Father's Love on the outside hiding you under the Banner of Covenant Love.

Increasing in Covenant With You Today,
Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...